Calendar Post by Month

December 2012


What I saw today

I did accomplish a few small things.  No bit projects but got some things done, some started, and some I just got a few more pieces to prepare for a start…

My day started with a 3 mile walk. Man it was cold out, about 33 when I started.  I have been putting that off way too long and really need to get back into the swing of daily walking.  Maybe not the full 3 miles every day but something.  It was a good walk but only saw one other person brave enough to be out as the sun came up..


It was on the other side and cast a red dot on the water tower…


Just a touch of fog as it was coming up…

Once I got that done I had my Breakfast.  A Granola bar and some Tang.  Normal stuff for me… plus a shot of fiber to keep things smooth.  I got a little work done on the reports I need to finish up but not nearly enough.  I also went to the shop to get a part number for a Radio Shack circuit board I needed for a project but while I was there I got busy doing an update of the APRS software.  Recently there have been updates for both the Packet Engine and AGWTracker I use here.  Nice programs and have been using them for about 4 years now.  You can check them out here:  SV2AGW software for Ham Radio.  The live update did not work but I was able to download the programs and do the updates manually with out much problem.  They seem to be working ok for now… time will tell as some updates cause changes that have to be made and you just don’t always get it done on first shot.  At least I don’t seem to be able to get it on the first go.  ha!

Went to town and had lunch with wife and then went by Radio Shack and got the parts I needed.  Also picked up some stuff for my Friday visit back to the Doctor.. That will be fun, NOT…  On my turn into the neighborhood I spot this fellow sneaking around one of the neighbors homes…



I didn’t figure he was causing any harm so I didn’t call the Police or the neighbor or sound any alert…

Got all my stuff home, checked my software update and it was still working.  Then got after the stuff for work… some more updates on the reports.  Once that was done I sent them off for others to check and decided I had done enough for the day… Sat down and read the paper and went through the mail. 

I keep  getting junk mail for my Dad and some of it you would think the people sending would know he is not going to respond.  I had also gotten a packet with a repair for my “new” fishing pole… I bought the new pole last week and in my first attempt at checking it out I broke a piece… Guess I should read the instructions a bit more before trying to do what it said not to… the repair part was not expensive and I have now learned a lesson… don’t do what I did… I would like to get it out and test it but the weather does not look like it will cooperate for awhile. 

So that was my day.  Nothing exciting unless you can call the encounter with Mr. RR exciting?  It was interesting and the pictures turned out pretty good for shooting from  inside my jeep, through the window, and about 100 feet away… I really need to practice with the camera a lot more… oh and here are two other shot I got recently with it…



I think that is a “double inverted”….


The visitors are around nearly every day… they need to eat a lot more of that damn weed in the pond… although I suspect they caused it in the first place?



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