Calendar Post by Month

December 2012


I have an addiction

It is cold and not much else here.  This morning I got up and had to get some work done for the company so I didn’t get out until afternoon to do anything I really wanted.  Well I wouldn’t say I really wanted to do a lot of it but I did.

I dropped off two special QSL cards at the PO.  I stopped and got some keys made for some locks that I needed extra keys for.  I then made it to Lowes and picked up a new filter for the refrigerator and some extra weather strip for the shop door… then stopped at the recycle place and dumped off some cardboard and plastics… whoop big excitement.

After that I headed out to the shop and got back on the radio… my addiction kicked in and I started making JT65A contacts about as fast I could… which with JT65A is not too fast as a single QSO will take you a minimum of 4 or 5 minutes if every things goes perfect as you get to transmit for 1 minute then he, then you then he and by the time you send sig reports, rrr or 73 you have spent about 5 minutes   Anyway I logged in about 15 states on 30meter and several on 17 meter… before I gave up…

When I got started on JT65A my first contact told me it would be addictive (we conversed by email several times so I could get it working and figure things out) and it sure is… I don’t know  why as it is so slow and you never really say anything and I have been known for being long winded on PSK??? Anyway I was really busy at it then I find that my HRDlog updates are not posting properly… I only get a few and not the total log… will have to check this out as it may be a bug that needs to be fixed, probably on my end…



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