Calendar Post by Month

December 2012



Yesterday was the end of the OUCH! and damned idiots…

The OUCH…  I had to go pay the property tax for this year… I am not sure the payment is equal to the benefit but we have no choice it is just one of the many taxes that never get paid up…

The Dammed idiots… This pertains to the fact that I had to pay for the special Ham Call plates I have here in OK.  In OK you must have the regular tag, even though it is not on the car it must be in the car at all times to say that you have lawfully paid the tax… Just another OUCH… but to make matters worse you have to put on the special plate all the info that is on the regular tag when you go pay it and in my case they are 5 months apart… I think this is ridiculous… they should make it just one tag… special or not, paid once a year… I know if I sell the car I keep my tag and they go get a temp tag from the tag agent… that is the way it should be not allowing the tag to go with the car… that also would reduce any false id’s if your car is used in an illegal act… with the temp tag… it is no longer yours but is registered to the new people… I am sure with computers and all they could work that out but I think our government institutions like to keep us confused…


Today was a family day and mostly setting around but I did push that my SIL fire up my new grill that they go me and fix a big mess of ribs…


That took them about 6 hours this afternoon to slow cook those jewels… While all that was going on the grandson and his Aunt were fixing up cookies and cakes…


What did I do… took over the old kindle from wife, remove all the books she had and put on the ones I read… and cleaned up some other stuff on the old tablet.. oh and

ended the day with enjoying the ribs… and making a few JT65A contacts on 30meters… 


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