Calendar Post by Month

January 2013


Testing the grill

Well, I got a new smoker, grill for Christmas and we had to spend the weekend testing it… Yesterday I did a short cook – fixed some thick pork chops… sorry forgot the pictures… but they worked out really good and really tender and moist…

Today, I put on 6 huge chicken breasts that we marinated all night last night in a lemon marinade… but due to some extra cooking by my DIL we didn’t eat any of those, they have been bagged and saved for later… ????? wonder how they turned out.  I now they were not dry like grilling normally is… but I also failed to make sure we had enough wood pellets in the smoker for them to cook out.  I did notice soon enough to get the fire restarted and then get them back on to finish up… seems it took longer to cook than I figured so I didn’t put any extra pellets in and the fire went out…

We then started three full sides of ribs (DIL was prepping them).  We cooked them all afternoon and finished up at about 7pm… 6+ hours… they were pretty tasty…


We again were not watching the pellets close enough and ran out just about the time they were done, so I quickly restarted and finished them off…

Beyond all that hard work the DIL fixed three crock pots of soup to store in the freezer for later consumption… the Cheeseburger soup was really good, the Southwest ? was pretty good and the pork soup was tasty but not as good as the cheeseburger… of course we tested all three before she “tubbed “ it up for the freezer… Now I will be gone for two weeks and figure most all this will be gone by then…

The only other thing I did today was visit with my Financial Advisor and went over my accounts and what stocks we might be looking at if there is a pull back or they get to the favored price we set… Nice that he came by here but he said he had a meeting in town today and would be able to strop by after that meeting… and he did so I am really appreciative of his desire to help out. 

The total rest of the day was catching up on some reading and study of stuff the advisor left… Didn’t get out to the Ham Shack other than to turn the temp down while I am planned out of town… should of got out there and made a few contacts while I had the time but just felt real lazy today…


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