Calendar Post by Month

January 2013


Road Trip

It was just another day at work… up early , about 5am… got ready and packed things for a 2 day road trip.  Left Houston in the horrible traffic of a Monday morning, light rain, bumper to bumper traffic… such fun.

Picked up another passenger and headed off for a near 4 hour drive.  Arrived a the first destination and had lunch at the ever exciting Popeye’s… I like the mild chicken, what else can I say?

Had a meeting / training session about stuff that should be known but never seems to get done.

Left that place late afternoon and put in another near 2 hours drive to a second place that we will repeat some of the meeting again tomorrow and go over things that have or have not been done on actions left to be done about a year 8 months ago…

Checked into our lodging place that is a fairly new motel but is obviously not of high quality construction.. A little mold around the tub, dark odd carpet, but it does have a HD TV… but I don’t watch much TV…

Got ready to head off for dinner and the hotel was offering gathering food… Little Caesar’s pizza – the $5 specials, and lite beer (Butt lite or Miller lite)… oh and chips and salsa?  odd combination.  So we opted for cheap and didn’t get out for dinner and then to the room… again… and my further excitement… catch up the diary and read some more of my book…

I am not a heavy book reader but every so often I pick up one just have to read till it is done… I now use the Kindle Fire , and upgrade from my old tablet and a hand me down from upgrading my wife to the Fire HD… I don’t really care as it does what I need and it is easy to carry…

Exciting day, huh?



(oh and if I talk about work stuff here, I have to express that the opinions are my own and definitely not those of my employer.  I am sure they might think the job was extremely important and the saving money for the company was exemplary)…

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