Calendar Post by Month

January 2013


Oral Surgeon or Colorectal Surgeon?

Which is the least fun?  I am not actually sure at this point but by the end of the week I may be able to place a vote…

Today I got up, not early but before 7 am… puttered around the house as no one else was up and did some reading… got some work emails taken care of and thought about going outside but it was 18 degrees out… that ended my thoughts of going for a walk or even getting out… I don’t handle the cold well anymore.  I can remember the days when we moved to Colorado.  First was in Alamosa and everyone there advised me to make sure I got a “heater” on my car.  I finally did just before Christmas but had no idea that it was useful.  We went home for Christmas holiday that first winter and was gone a little over a week.  We got back to Alamosa just after New Years day and adjusted into the normal life of living in beautiful country. 

I worked for the USDA and our offices were out at the airport.  The drive from our house on the east side of town to the office went by a grade school and this week they had a small tractor out building a dike around the play area?  I thought that to be a little strange but ok.  The temps at that time were getting below freezing , substantially, at night but warming to upper 30’s during the day.  I remember that it was about Jan 6th that we had a cold front come through and it dropped the temps to below zero.  That school turned on a fire hydrant and filled that diked area and made a huge skating area out of it in the freezing temps… You know it was 6 weeks before we got back up above zero for a temp that winter?  I actually saw –44 on the temp gauge at the weather station for the airport… and that tank heater on the old El Camino was well worth it.  I had to put a timer on an electric cord and run that out to the El Camino and it ran from 5am to 7:30 so it would be warm enough to start and drive… Unfortunately I didn’t put one on the car , but it was in the garage?  Who would think it was necessary if you had it inside?… even there after a week it was so cold it wouldn’t start. 

Back to my day, since it was so damn cold out I just putted around until about 11:30 and then stated I was going to town on errands… We stopped at Ed Jones… closed, hell they are a bank or a post office?  Then on to the Dr’s (heart) to get some special vitamin B pills I take (he was open).  Then we went down to Fuzzy’s Tacos and had lunch.  It was expensive but not too bad.  I say expensive since we got two shrimp tacos, one large burrito and two drinks and the bill was $17.02… We normally can have lunch for $12 or less at all the other fast food places… We are cheap!… We got back home and I decided to take a short nap before my trip to OKC to see the Colorectal guy… this was supposed to be a recheck of the work he did a month ago… Figured it would be a breeze in and out and then visit a better eating establishment in OKC…

I figured wrong… The nurse made me drop trou!… lay on the exam table and wait… that is damn uncomfortable.  He came in after about 10 minutes and asked how I was… ok but not too comfortable… his comment was ok lets take a look… yea sure a look for you is a probe for me… so that was even more uncomfortable.  I am not sure what all he shoved up there but it had to be several instruments… on my last trip he had cut out a polyp and banded some Roids… figured he did a good job but again, the figures were wrong as there seemed to be another Roid that needed a band?  “you want to get it done now or wait?”   My comment “ I guess we better do it now to negate another hospital visit… not sure that was the right thing but he jumped at the chance, said ok and pulled out some more tools, promptly shoved them up my ass and started twisting one of them around.  “this might be a little pressure and may hurt a little, everything ok?”  in a muffled voice I replied, “yea, it is some pressure, no it doesn’t really hurt yet, but don’t feel good”..  He then did something else, you know you can’t tell what is going on back there since You can’t see it but you can feel it and what you feel is not telling you much either, just can’t flinch enough… it only took him about 2 minutes and he popped all those tools back out and said “there, now you need to lay here for a little while to ensure your not dizzy or bleeding and then you can go home… so I had another 10 minutes of the most uncomfortable bent over on an exam table situation till he came back… took another look and said ok you can get dressed now… Gee thanks!

I went out, got some prescriptions and some more instructions like no aspirins for 3 weeks and stuff like that and told my wife that I was not feeling up to any other activity, just get me home… That had to be the roughest drive home I have had in some time… no pain killers, a very uncomfortable “pressure” up my colon… and for some reason the highway was filled with rush hour idiots and more potholes than I truly remember… Once home popped some left over pain pills from last trip in and hope it all feels better tomorrow?  when I can get the new prescriptions filled…

That was my wonderful day… up Thursday is the oral surgeon to check out a problem with my implant… most likely will have to laser out a little more gum so I can clean under the tooth there… one issue after another here…

Tomorrow???? I will probably make a run to the bank, Ed Jones, and ? out for lunch, if my ass feels like it…



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