Calendar Post by Month

February 2013


Leaving on a Jet plane…

Well yesterday was a “leaving” story… we had finished what we intended in Canada and were to head back home… Things had gone ok… we missed the sever cold that can happen that far north and the temps were just hugging the freezing level (a little above and 10 to 15 below – freezing) the whole two weeks… Not bad…

We had driven to Calgary late the day before as our flight was at 7am yesterday… unfortunately my day did not start well…

I had set my alarm for 4AM so we could leave and be at the airport before 5:30am… the lines and checking through customs can get pretty slow… I did not start the night too good as I had a hard time getting to sleep then woke at 2am and 3am… I should of gotten up at the point but figured a few more minutes would be ok… well those few turned into an Oh Shit look at 5:14am when I raised up and looked at the clock… In a mad rush I threw all my stuff in the bags that I had hoped to neatly pack… grabbed my stuff and trucked it down to a waiting partner… we threw stuff in the car and off to the airport… go there at about 5:35am… not bad in my books… then things got worse…

Checked in, got boarding pass, filled out the US customs forms and checked through the first check point… the sign says turn off your cell phones and electronics while going through customs… I turned off the company cell and …… couldn’t find my personal… looked in all the bags… CRAP… it must of fallen out in the car… had my partner guard the bags while I made a sprint back to the rental car… checked everything… not there… oh well, it is lost and I will just turn that in as lost… run back to the line, get through the first check… at least I was sharp enough to remember to take my tickets and passport when I went out…. grabbed our bags and went to the customs line, which now was out the 2nd door… as we twisted and turned back and forth in the line I just figured I would turn it a lost phone and go buy a new one… but wait… half why through I am pulling my jacket and …. hell I had put the damn phone on my belt not in my pocket or in the bags… I never do that when I am out… whew!… phone found… a lot more twisting and checking and questions at the counter and we are through to drop our checked bags… dumped those and got on in to the waiting area… I had to have some water… fat man running is not a pleasant thought or site so no pictures…

We still had 45 minutes till plan time so we got to set and I enjoyed my banana and water for breakfast… a bit thin but so was our time

We got on the plane… it was cold and the sun was just starting to come up… so I snapped a few pictures of the process


We backed up a little and they “de-iced” the wings… wouldn’t want too much ice on them…
When this process is done they have some special trucks that come in and “suck” up the excess spray…



The sun coming up made a red hue on the distant foot hills…


As we leave… downtown Calgary with the sun shining on the east face of the talk buildings…


Further south you can see the Canadian Rockies in the back ground and the remaining south end of Calgary below…

We arrived in Denver at 10AM… I had a l damn long wait for my final leg  home … was supposed to leave at 1:45 which is long to start with but we had about and hour delay waiting on the late plane to get in to take us on out…

Once in OKC, I went to get my rent car… ooops the lady had not reserved it for me when she promised to do so… oh well they had cars and I got one to drive home… getting in about 7PM… I was pooped and in the whole process the only thing I lost was the luggage strap I had on the big suitcase…

Today was a slow day… get the rent car back to the lot… got some breakfast… caught up on the mail and set up some bills to pay… worked on my expenses and some work stuff then went to the women##Q##s BB game

In the process I had to listen to the Men’s game… they won in West Virginia in a poorly officiated game from the sound of things…No. 14 Cowboys Top Mountaineers, 73-57

At the Women’s game it was time for payback… the girls gave the sooners the same thing they got in Norman…



A nice way to end the day as the men’s wrestling also won in the National duals and move to the finals tomorrow


I suspect tomorrow will be slow as well… although I have a big list of things to get done…



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