Calendar Post by Month

March 2013


It’s spring!

Today turned out to be a rather nice day… We had storms last night but we missed the rain and hail… only got a few hundredths of an inch rain… Ryan said he could hear it real loud last night and that must have been the heavy stuff that was about 2 miles north and crossed town proper… oh well…

Today we made a run for a late breakfast… pretty good even if it was at 9am… but I skipped lunch so it all worked out ok… I knew I needed to get some parts at Lowes but I also needed to get the POS (piece of Shit) my son has out of the way of the shop so I could get the motorhome out… That POS is a real darling… old VW that doesn’t run, squalls, has more things wrong that right. etc… I jumped in it to move it and it fired once, but died right off.  Huh? click click click… then nothing… wouldn##Q##t even turn over… huh (agn and well as several other wonderful thoughts)? I checked the battery and it was near dead… well gosh that POS had set in the shop for the last 4 months with no movement so I guess I could expect that… then I looked and the front tires were really low…Well shucky-darns… so, I got the compressor running, aired up the two tires and got the battery charger out and got the battery charging.  While that was in the works I made my run to Lowes…

I needed some parts for the install of a filter on the motorhome fresh water inlet.  I had decided to put on a whole house filter that I can use to put Clorox in the lines, or antifreeze or anything for that matter as well as filter the water coming in and can swap out the filter cartridges at a more economical price than the little units you get for RV’s… I just need to get a better way to mount it.  It does fit in the compartment and will be out of the way in there but I need to get a bracket set to properly mount it but for now it will be tied up and I  found a small bottom bracket for it to set on.  The main idea today was to get the tanks cleaned with Clorox and having the filter in line would allow me to add 2 cups of Clorox to the tank very easily and then get it all flushed.  I  had not done that since last year so I suspect they were nasty, as we never got to use the thing last year due to family things.  I also figured I would get a new weed-eater as I had planned on it for last year but didn’t get it done.  I had also seen in the ads that they were throwing in an electric starter for the ones I wanted so that meant a $50 savings on the two and I jumped off and got the 4cycle on so I don’t have to mix the gas anymore… I got all my prizes home but never got the weed eater put together… I did get the starter out and charging. 

Once back I was ready to move that damn POS… after charging for over an hour it did turn over, and it did start… rattle, shake, roar… pop and fart… squall and I got it moved out of the way and the battery charger hooked back up as that battery needed more than an hour on the charger… once that was done I figured I better get on cooking lunch before I got back to the motorhome…

My plan for today was “Brats in a Bath” from the Treager recipe book… but I didn’t buy brats… instead I bought Johnsonville hot and sweet Italian sausages.  Anyway it calls for soaking onions in beer then after grilling the sausage put it in the beer bath for 40 minutes or until the onions are done… me, always changing things had also put in a green pepper… anyway… it was pretty damn good with a little honey mustard…


On the grill…


On the plate… and my wife even said this one is worth trying again…

After we got that down and cleaned up… I went back to the motorhome projects… Here I ran into some minor problems… since I had not treated the diesel and it has set for so long I may have some gelled diesel, water or ? .  It sure didn’t want to start but I did get it started run a few minutes and noticed it was not very smooth so shut it down and went back to town for some diesel treatment.  Figuring that if it didn’t want to start I better treat the diesel before I run it too much more and hope that smooth##Q##s it back out.  I got that and put it in the tank and got it started again… It ran but was still a bit rough at first… I let it run for about an hour while I piddled with putting the Clorox in the tanks, flushed the lines and then let it set and went to checking air in the tires… One tire seems to have a slow leak as it was down to 60psi from 100?  I think it is the extension but not sure… so I sent around and got them all back up to 100 psi.  The others were all about 92 or so.  With that done I ran some more water through the faucets and lines and since it was not overly strong with Clorox I figure to let it set over night then drain and flush it good with some baking soda and drain again and then put some fresh water in for a possible short trip later this month? or next or both?

So tomorrow is dump and flush… and get the weed eater going, and maybe plant a few seeds in one of the flowerbeds… bought some radish and carrot seeds?  will see if they do better than the tomato##Q##s in the lower bed. 

I also got in some deck time, got the bug whacker back on line and hung upside down for a few minutes today… testing the inversion table to see if it will help my back.  I also called my brother and wished him a happy birthday… tomorrow… he is fast approaching the tail end of the 50’s.

Such a busy day and so little really accomplished…  Maybe tomorrow will be a bigger accomplishment day?  or Maybe not…



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