Calendar Post by Month

May 2013


Seize every opportunity no matter what it is…

Pulled from some of my recent reading…  possibly applies to life in general but it was written about becoming wealthy… the thought process necessary.

Train yourself to ask the following four questions – keeping in mind that every situation, big or small, is an opportunity for you to become richer…

1.  "In what way is this an opportunity for me to become more wealthy?" (Note: I don’t ask, "Is this a wealth-building opportunity?" – because every situation is a wealth-building opportunity.)

2.  "What is the potential of this opportunity?"

3.  "What are the possible problems with this opportunity?"

4.  "What can I do to seize this opportunity?"

  • Look at every situation you find yourself in as an opportunity to make yourself richer. And I do mean every situation, even the most mundane. This includes:  
    the first thought you put in your mind when you wake up each morning. 
  • What you listen to on your commute to work.
  • How you greet your boss and fellow workers.
  • What you talk about at the coffee machine.
  • The expression on your face and the firmness of your grip when you shake hands.
  • The conversation you initiate with the person next to you on a plane.
  • Whether you buy a brand-new car or a used one.
  • How your voice sounds when you answer the phone.
  • How you prepare for a meeting.
  • Whether you buy your clothes at Saks or Marshalls.
  • Whether you go out to lunch or eat at your desk.
  • Some of your opportunities will be small and some large. But by asking yourself these four questions first, you will bring your batting average way up…



Some of them you may guess the wrong answer… example buying clothes at Marshalls or eating at your desk may help you build wealth before the other will… think about it as wealth is built over time and only in those very rare instances can you find those that became wealthy quickly and they usually could not hold on to it…



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