Calendar Post by Month

August 2013


First day of August and still hasn’t hit 100 here…

The heat index has hit that but the actual temps have been great for us… especially compared to previous summers when we were hitting 112 at this time… It is so nice to be able to get out on the back deck and enjoy some time in the quiet of the morning or the evening and it is not so stinking hot you turn and go back in as soon as you step out…

It was a regular day for me… started with my oatmeal and checked work stuff… had a few calls and few emails to answer and answers to give… but before all that I grabbed some time outside… watching the birds as they are really active early in the morning…


This is how the wild blackberry gets transplanted around… The resident mocking bird had this berry about 50 feet from the bush and didn’t eat but maybe half…


The young are still flying in and begging a free meal…this one got ignored…


Got this female hummer working the hanging plants…


We also have a family of Kites that keep an eye on things… looking for easy meals…


This male hummer was guarding the feeder… gets a short drink then sits in the tree and scares off everyone else…


I think it is a green Heron?  looking for some frogs and small fish…


Coming to the feeder… they are too small to actually use the perch… they have to land on the flower…


Backing to guarding…


oh and the wife’s poor little dog…  got all her hair shaved off and now she shivers when it is too cool… like 73 degrees is too cool… so she gets into the blankets… actually I helped by pulling it up around her but she didn’t jump out till she was plenty warmed up… …

Beyond all that and the work this morning I made my trip into town… picked up some more Freon for the motorhome as Atwood’s had it on sale this weekend… and then lunch with wife.  We went to Taco Hell (Bell) for a change… hadn’t been to the new one and they moved maybe 2 years ago… It wasn’t bad. We are cheap experts so we may try it again.

After lunch I got home, put in a can of Freon and then took the motorhome for a run up to Perry… trying to work some of the rough shifting out of the transmission.  When I had it serviced back in April it came back with a really rough shift into and out of 4th gear… (automatic)… I called the Freightliner shop and they said drive a some to see if it smooth’s back out if not then I would need to take it to Allison to have the Transmission looked at… I figured to help it a little with some Transmission treatment that was supposed to smooth out rough shifting and stuff and so  I put the treatment in and took the road trip… by the time I got home it had smooth out on the downshift a lot and was near normal but the upshift was still a bit soft into 4th gear but I think maybe it was maybe some sediment or something with it having set over the winter… I will probably need to get it in and have the transmission drained and filter changed pretty soon anyway… big motorhomes are a lot more maintenance than one expects… but it is the price of comfort I guess…

The rest of the evening was filled with heating up leftovers for dinner and making a trip to Walmart and then Sonic for a half price shake… we shared a small… so it didn’t totally blow the calories but probably we could have done without?  but they sure are good and half price…

So that was a Thursday, August 1, 2013… not bad… would have been better if I had won the lottery!



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