Calendar Post by Month

August 2013


Just out and about

First off… yesterday I got some long awaited jobs done… then in my forgetful mind I crashed… “and that is all I have to say about that”.

In one of my trips to town yesterday I spotted this and still wonder what was going on?


Today we planned a road trip.  Had to pick up a repaired chime clock and thought I might get some more wood chips for the grill… So we were off early on our small adventure. 

The wood chips would be first but unfortunately that place is not open on Saturday?  Guess I should of checked that out… anyway it was in Perry and we were headed to Blackwell so we opted to take the old highway 77 north from there.  I am sure i  had been that way but didn’t remember it.  not a lot of things to see on the road but did find a few things both up and back.  In Perry I spotted this old advertisement… thought it was interesting…


An old Sinclair station on the corner that no longer is a station but they have kept up the signs and paint… I think the cans of oil used to say this on them as well?


A house with a “mauve” roof?  that is unusual and it had a odd stained glass in the corner as did the house next door?



Interesting wall painting…


Need a refrigerator… maybe 80 years old?


They have painted this up real nice… and put the Santé Fe back on but faintly on the side it had the ATSF at one time… one in the same railroad but joined?


The old station looks to be in real good condition as well… interesting to see these in old towns… some saved, some lost and some waiting for?


I thought the dead tree was interesting… not sure it is new life or something else taking over?

We went on to Blackwell and weren’t able to pick up the clock… in the past day or so it had stripped another old gear after the repairman got it working… the old gear was not metal and he is going to search his stock of old stuff to see if they had one to replace that gear out…

We had lunch with family there and then it was back toward home… On that way home we looked for the old town of 3-Sands… big oil boom town from 100 years ago… there used to be a sign out there but we didn’t find any sign… from the description we surmised that it was in the vicinity of the old building below…?


It may take a bit more research to be sure of that but it appears to be some part of the in-between oil boom of that area… ?

We made a switch through Red Rock…? didn’t take any pictures as there is nothing much but the high school to get pictures of?  or the water tower… I had thought there might have been some more of a town there but it was pretty sparse and generally run down houses or some few newer supplied places but nothing worthy of pictures.

We came on home… flopped a bit… had a sandwich for dinner and then went to get another half price shake at Sonic… nice way to top off the evening…



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