Calendar Post by Month

August 2013



Just another day on the road.  Well sort of.  We didn’t have much planned for today but review of notes and comparison to issues, so we started late…

Went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast.  That was pretty good for a change.  We had been hitting McD’s most of this week cause it was on the way and quick… but today it was a different venue… At the Barrel I came on this :


They had the big box for sale.  Don’t see them a lot any more, mostly cause I don’t go looking for them but my partner here goes by the nick-name of Pie… which stands for the fact that years ago he was always caught eating a Big Moon Pie… just one of those oddities that stuck. 

After the breakfast we sat outside the CB in the rockers for awhile since it was nice and cool and a good breeze out there.  We talked about the work items there, discussed several other things and watched the Harley Bikers go by… for some reason there was about 50 bikes went by in a group and they were led by and followed by police cars with lights on…? In the old days that meant that one of those Biker Gangs was been escorted through town and asked not to stop… but in todays world it usually means a gathering of enthusiasts that are either having a weekend trip or doing a fund raising thing…Strange how things change in the world from feared to protected?

After our resting morning, and we both really needed that cause the damn rough ride from Friday was still causing  pains to pop up everywhere, we made it back to the hotel and gathered up on the computer area to make notes and work on our reports.  That was difficult to do at best cause there was a wedding group gathering at the hotel and they were all arriving about that time so the lobby and surrounding areas were packed and noisy… but we got some things done…

We had noticed a Drag Strip on the edge of town and neither of us had been to one in a long time so we looked it up and they were racing every weekend… we had seen activity Friday night on our way home so figured from the web page that if they opened the gates at 3pm we would make a run out before dinner and catch a few races… we went out about 2:30 and noticed no real activity?  We asked at the gate and admission was $20 each for the pits and $15 each for the spectator side? ouch if there weren’t any cars there yet and it didn’t look like there was going to be much of a crowd why check it out?  We hung around, went and got a drink, came back, hung around and by 4pm gave up on going in as there just wasn’t anything going on…

Back at the hotel we cleaned up a bit, rested up a bit and then met our host outside and went to a nice restaurant… the food was ok… didn’t get pictures?  I am getting pretty bad about remembering to get that picture when they bring the food… I just dig in and ooops… remember when I am half way done… but I did get one of the desert table when we came in… they want to you start with desert and then worry about the main course here…


I didn’t even think about it when I finished up the main course… was way too full already. 

After dinner we went back to the race track , as it was not too far out, and they were running but it was already 9pm and wouldn’t be much left to watch so we talked them into letting us in for half price… and we watched maybe 6 runs?  not really worth the half price but neither of us had been in a long time so why not…


And that pickup won the elimination for that class.  It was a pretty smooth running pickup… we also watched the “junior dragsters” with souped up lawn mower engines… damn 72 miles per hour. Even the truck ran in 8 second times…   Fasted time of the night was 4.97 so they were moving it on… can’t imagine the money involved in these things now… compared to the more “stock” racing in the late 60’s… This was some real “Fast and Loud”.

That ended another day and back to hotel and crash for the night…



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