Calendar Post by Month

August 2013


Chores… just not exciting

It was not exciting here the past couple of days but I did get some things done… I have gotten back in to walking… at least 2 of the 3 morning since I got home so I hope to keep that up…I sure need the exercise…  The other day on the way to pick up the wife I spotted this… the University is back in and this was the first week of class…


Could that be a freshman? Probably an art student with the tool box full of supplies and all the other stuff? what a load (in more ways than one).

1.  Since I wacked the TV antenna on the motor home agn last month I replaced that yesterday morning… only took a couple of hours to get it all scraped off, new base put in and puttied up as well as put on the new “flow able” caulk… it works… fairly smooth so one job down..

2.  I also spent Friday and Saturday getting the mowing and weed whacking done… that wore me out as I did a lot more on the pond dam and dragging that big wheel trimmer up and down that slope is a real wearing job… but got a lot more of the big stuff… although I still have a big chunk that I need to get on … sometime later this week…

3.  The last of the wood roll up blinds fell apart so I built the frame, the wife put on the sun-screen material and I got it hung up… so that is done and I need to get the hooks put in so I can life them all back up out of the way this winter…

4.  Working on all this it hit me I really needed to clean up the lower porch… seems the live-ins I had were not big on cleaning up messes or sweeping things out… in fact they had left me a real mess down there so I spent a few hours today getting that cleaned out…


And the ladder is there so I can put up the last screen… in the hole… didn’t get an after pic of that yet… for those that know… see, no dog hair!

5. I had to trim out some low hanging limbs from the big oak to the south of the house… now I need to get out there with the small trailer clean that up and haul off… got several spots to clear out so will get on that maybe tomorrow… then maybe haul a load or two of mulch back out for some of the trees…

6.  Tuesday the crew is to show up and pull the tile at the entry and put down the hard wood flooring… should have had that done when we built but figured the tile would be a better deal but after living here awhile… it appears the wood to the front door would look better and we don’t drag in much mud that way so the tile is not as necessary as we first thought.  I have the extra hard wood so it will just be the cost of taking the tile out and putting the wood down… I hope.

7.  I also made my Sunday night PSK31 sked with KD8IE… it was short but I made it this week… need to be a lot more diligent on that… unfortunately the timing for it is not the best… it is just 7pm here and during the summer I am still out doing things at 7 and for him it is 8pm so he is slowing things down… during the winter it is ok as it is dark anyway… but during the sunlight hours… there are things to do.

Tomorrow, ?  not sure.  I need to discuss my schedule for September with one of the guys and I really need to get my expenses worked out so may not get much outside “WORK” done… That may not last a lot longer anyway… we will have to see how it goes from here.


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