Calendar Post by Month

August 2013


Walking, snakes, and other stuff…

Well another few days have passed and the big happenings have been few… although interesting from some aspects. 

Monday I got up and headed out for a walk… was doing pretty good when I came upon this guy on the sidewalk I was travelling…


I know he looks to be in the sand but that was washed up on the sidewalk and he was right on the edge… appears to be waiting for something?  or someone…

I moved out and around and continued my walk because I didn’t have my cane or stick or anything to send him on his way… I made sure I notified some other walkers of his presence in the area and most of them decided to totally bypass this section… when I made my return he was still in the same spot… I made a quick survey and spotted some large flat rocks on the other side of the road… (they were part of some landscape work)… I borrowed one of the proper size.  and placed it squarely on this guys head , with force, from a distance… pretty good shot on first toss and it bounced clear so I moved around and picked it up and did it again… that time he was pretty flattened out… around the head… so I proceeded to use it to make sure his head was really flat… like in nearly severed off… … making a note here… I need to carry my cane or a walking stick for all future early morning strides down this way… till they all decided to find a hole or leave…

After that excitement I felt I deserved a treated so I had my oatmeal for breakfast and enjoyed it on the back deck… setting on the deck was the treat… the oatmeal was supposed to be good for me.

Later in the day the landscape guy came by and they started the work on our front beds to update some of the plants… I know it is a bit late in the year but has been a problem getting him out here… we decided to hold off on the trees till late September so the hottest of the weather should be over and my watering will be sufficient to get them set for winter… I want a couple of Japanese Pines added to the mix on my north border.  We removed the sumac from the front bed and replaced that with some Nandina bushes and some other plants to add color… we had ended up with nothing more than green shrubs … hope it turns out ok… we also added some daylilies and other stuff to the mound in the yard to get some color back into that area as well.  Will see how it turns out… right now… it all looks kind of green other than the day lilies do have some yellow flowers on them.

The came back today to plant what we had set up and dig up an area for my raised garden bed in the back… going to leave it open and try to get the Bermuda killed out while I slowly move the frame and get it filled with topsoil. 

Recently I got some pictures that I need to share here…


I have a tendency to forget but not from drinking… yet.  but I could see that as a real problem in some places…


I have been saying lately that I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  My plans to retire at the end of the year or push them to lay me off  are coming to a transition point… my only real problem is … that light at the end of the tunnel… hope it is not a train…

One the landscape guy was done I had to go rework the drip system in the front bed as it needed some holes filled and pulled up out of the mulch to it would be watering where I want it to… got that done and hope it is ok. 

I have been on a bender here… cooking out more than I have in years… Used my grill to cook hamburgers 2 days ago and tonight I cooked up some more chicken breasts… nothing fancy but did put some bacon on them to help keep them moist… well it was pretty moist but the flavor along with the rub sure was tasty… strange that we have not been out to eat for several days here?  I usually can’t find anything I want and just go get some fast food or a frozen yogurt… but the weather has been really nice for August in Oklahoma so being outside has not been the problem… years past it was so damn hot outside we didn’t know what was cooking us or the meat on the grill?

Late in the evening I caught this…


at one point I counted over 25 bunched up here and another 10 to 15 making flights around the area… most of them came in later and sent down to the pond to drink… bet they are not as bunched up  next week… season starts Sunday… While watching them and the humming birds fight over the feeders and drinking my nightly glass of wine was really nice tonight… I think I am going to grill again tomorrow night… ?  maybe? 



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