Calendar Post by Month

August 2013


Fixing and Fairs

It was another one of those days… didn’t start out great but ended ok.  Woke up with a severe headache, but was sure it was sinus problems and allergy issues.  Once to got to moving it was some what less but hung around all morning.. even with some good pills.  At 8:30 the crew that was supposed to be here yesterday showed up to replace a portion of our floor.  When we built the house we figured (wrong) that putting tile at the doorways would keep the floor easier to clean and maintain since we lived where it could be muddy and nasty coming in… The tile did help some but it never looked “right”.  So, since we had sufficient left over hardwood form the construction we figured to pull the tile in the living room and put down the wood to the edge.  Besides, coming in that door we have a huge front porch to clean off our shoes before we come in… duh!… So early this morning the area looked like this


They easily pulled that tile and within 4 hours had the floor swapped out for hard wood… ended up like this


In my opinion that looks a lot better and they did a pretty good job , as far as I could tell, and yes it was put into the closet as well. 

Yesterday I mentioned we put in some new “color” for the front beds… well this is what it looks like now.


The mound area… can’t tell much but in there are spaced day lilies and other color plants to break up the grasses…


In the center of this was an overgrown sumac that was supposed to add red color but that never lasted long enough to tell and it was crowding out all the other shrubs and sending up shoots all over the place so it came out and we put in the Purple Fringe Flower in the center and 4 Nandina , 2 on each side of that.  I retained the front area for annuals like Petunias and other colorful  flowers to ad a focal in the middle… when they grow a little they should be real nice with the green background and the multi colors in the front… only time will tell.

I had to spend some time doing real work so after the floor crew left I got some reports done and did a few things to earn my keep… then this evening we got a call …

My wife had won a champion at the county fair for her crocheted baby blanket… something she made for the new addition to be in November. … so we had to go out and see the ribbon, although Friday she has to go back for picture taking of here and the blanket…


That was a surprise as the thought of entry didn’t happen until Monday and it had to be there By Tuesday Morning… so we kind of rushed it on the paperwork…

During our visit to the Fair we walked a few of the exhibits and in one corner was the model train set up… of interest was the model carnival in the middle of the trains…


And it all went round and worked… pretty cool… oh and I stopped by the local Ham Club booth( K5SRC), and ended up volunteering to stand watch tomorrow evening for a few hours… we always have a shortage of volunteers for such things so I guess I will be at the fair again tomorrow night… I wanted to go anyway and watch the Draft Horse competition… one of those things I can’t say I have ever seen… more cheap and entertaining things to do…



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