Calendar Post by Month

August 2013


At the Payne County Fair?

Well I was a volunteer tonight to man the booth for the local Ham club… while I was there we didn’t get many with interest to stop by so it was not an overly busy evening… My main focus was to make it to the Draft Horse Pulling…

They had 7 teams, 3 from Oklahoma and 4 from Kansas?  We should do better.  Two of the Oklahoma teams were were father and son from Miami Oklahoma and the son is a student at OSU… might be some of the reason for having them here?  Anyway it was interesting to say the least… had been to tractor pulls and the steam engine stuff in Pawnee but this was a first to see a draft horse pull…


The drive them around to hook up to the sled filled with salt blocks (50 lbs. each). once the swing around they flip the hook into the tow ring and they are off… these  horses don’t fool around either.  One team missed getting the hook in and the owner/driver got yanked off that sled seat about 10 feet right quick… Now for the contest they only have to pull 15 feet and they start at the smallest team weight and then increase by team weight the amount of salt block after every pull… I left at about the halfway point and they were already pulling well over 1000 lbs. more than the team weight and not seeming to have any problems…

During the show I noticed this guy… think he may be one of the Duck Dynasty group or a close relative? 


You should make a county fair… never know what you might see…


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