Calendar Post by Month

September 2013


The birds

Well today was just one of those days that I was not able to get really interested… I had a big list of things I intended to do but … oh well. 

Late last night had a really bad leg cramp and that was sore most of the night then I couldn’t sleep but in 1 or 2 hours segments…? not sure what that was but didn’t get much sleep.  Got up and kind of wandered around a little.  was going to get on the projects for the power control but didn’t.  Was going to up date the ham software (JTX and JTAlert) but didn’t.  Was going to work on the move of the raised bed, but didn’t… I also thought about starting some of the plants I had gotten supplies for (Citronelle, and others) but didn’t… Mostly I guess it was just thoughts and not much action. 

I did water down some of the fill dirt in the front that we put in last week.  Need to get the grass growing up through it.  We had ended up with some deep trenches for where the geothermal water lines were buried 8 years ago and I needed to fill some of that in… so we did that.  The rest of the day was reading, and cleaning up a few things here and there… nothing much to write about.  The weather was real nice and it barely got into the 90’s today… this evening it was wonderful setting out on the deck… I did get a few more pictures of the Hummers… I expect the males will be taking off any day now and then in 2 weeks the females will be on the flight south but at present they are are still here, fighting over the feeders and trying to get fat…


He (males still here) was squeaking at another one that was trying to come in…


She was slurping and waiting and slurping and waiting… no hurry to moved off…


This one had everyone scared off… and I am sure it won’t fit in that bluebird house…


Later, when it was too dark to get a picture 3 females all decided they could share a spot on the feeder just before they all when to sleep… and then the

little tree frogs came out… never know where they hide, most of the time but when it gets dark they come out and work the gnats and bugs on the back deck… I had been noticing their “evidence” lately and had only seen one so far but tonight caught two of them sneaking out to the flower pots on the back rail… suspect there are several more out there somewhere from the “evidence” they are leaving…

That was it for today… no big thrills here and too damn lazy to get on the projects like I had planned… oh well…



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