Calendar Post by Month

September 2013


Normal day, not normal activity

It was a normal day for me… well not really normal but in that direction. 

Slept hard last night, was making up for the night before I guess?  Had to be at Dr. office by 8:30… physical time.  The good news, I have lost a little more weight by just not eating so much… and he said my previous blood work was all normal and actually really good… ok… but he needed one more test as I had complained that I was tired more than normal… so off to give blood… once that was done I had to go to the pharmacy to get my Shingles shot… yea, I had all those child hood diseases , Chicken Pox being one along with Measles and Mumps… but it is a good idea to get the shingles Vaccine so I don’t get that carry over problem… so far no reaction to the shot…

That had wasted the morning for me as I had to get back to the house for the cleaning lady and had multiple calls to make… issue with getting monthly pest spray done, and issue with security system having a strange code… etc.… During the afternoon I didn’t get much more accomplished.  Did work on a few small projects and gardening stuff.

Later in the evening I did capture this Spaz of a Hummer on the feeder… have no idea what was going on but looked like he/she was passing out right there?

A Spaz Hummer or one that is really wasted? surely the sugar water had not fermented? Maybe just really tired and napping on the perch?

I later made it to the local Ham Club meeting… looks like we may volunteer to ring the bells for the Salvation Army on a few days along with other things to do… Good think I am getting ready for retirement… need that extra time…



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