Calendar Post by Month

September 2013


Same old same ole…

Not much to show or discuss when you work and don’t get out much… that is what has happened the last few days…

I did get out this morning for a little bit to pick up one of my favorites, a sausage dog at the SpudNut shop… they sure are good and sometimes I even get into a discussion with people I don’t know… I seem to be doing that more these days… willing to talk and listen to folks that I have never met before… say one thing and it leads to another and before long you know a lot about them… maybe not what you need to or what you may have wanted to but people will respond and many will talk to you if you show interest and talk to them. 

On the way down to the shop I saw this idiots methods of repair and needed to get a picture…


I think all they were doing was either changing a tire or working on the rear hub… but using a jack on a wheel and two jack stands?  I don’t think that is very safe… the jack on the axle and a jack stand over on that side, set on the ground would be more stable… maybe? It is amazing what some people will do or think up to get to an end point?

I did work on getting some new door seals up… replacing some of the foam seals with magnetic ones on the metal doors… want to see if it helps any over the others… the foam ones didn’t seem to pull up tight in most places.  I am sure I need to adjust the doors as well but some can’t be adjusted that much so this was an alternative that I wanted to try… putting some of those in was work on my fingers as pulling the old one out was easy but putting the new ones into the “kerf” in the doors was a bit harder… pressing and shoving to get it squeezed into place sure made my fingers sore…

Most of the rest of the day I spent trying to get the internet to stay up, so I could do some work… AT&T says they are working on it?  but they have been for 2 weeks now?  We also have noise on the phone that comes and goes and the service tech that called indicated she could hear it?  so we live with “first it is up , then it is down” service… will have to use that for more complaints.

I did have several contacts and a conference I worked but had to use my cell phone for that one as the link would not stay up…

Tonight there is a start to a car and bike show in town… so we made a run down main street and found a lot of bikes… and a few cars on the side street… I was way more interested in the cars… so did my walk through there and found a few that I like… Another paper add about the show




After all this we made it to Qdoba for dinner and used my birthday certificate to get two entrees for the price of one… not bad since we generally only eat half anyway so we have two meals off that for about $7.50…

It was hot out today so I really need a shower… and some crash time…



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