Calendar Post by Month

September 2013


Work gets in the way of everything… for a few months more.

Well, we have been busy… I would like to say I have been working my A$$ off but when I passed in front of the mirror today… damn it was still there, big as ever… !

Yesterday we got out late for a big breakfast at “CARLS”… pretty good for a fast food place… we then worked on our horrible check sheets for awhile before heading over to a friends house for a Sunday afternoon of the Saints and talking and a great dinner… his wife fixed a dinner that was great homemade dinner like Mom used to make… well not exactly… they had twice baked potatoes and Mom would have left it as roast potatoes with the roast beef…  nice to know some people still do that.  The Saints won but it was a last minute thing with some really good luck… one missed field goal lead to their being able to win by one…

  • We didn’t stay late and got in by 8…

On the way to work today I did get a couple of photos… it is damn hard to do this when your driving and don’t know exactly where your headed… I am a farm boy from out west and all our roads are pretty much straight and have “section” lines and 90 degree turns… here they just run any direction, multiple curves and you can be going east on a street and with out getting off that same street end up going south or even back west… damn confusing for a “flat-lander”… but we seem to get there anyway… on the road I picked up these two picks…


? in Louisiana?


The sign says it is the Broussard Branch of the Library… the siding was that metal stuff you used to see on the ceiling of old buildings?  and it had a tin roof… interesting , but didn’t get a shot of the front… maybe I will have to go back for that one… lot of neat old houses in this area as well… plantation type homes…

Today, it was a damn full day… questions over and over and over till we finished up the Action plan… normally that takes two days… so we were focused and hitting it pretty hard today… and boy were we tired… picked up some dinner on the way back to the motel and just crashed…

At the end of the day I got a few more shots of unusual things…


The statue by itself didn’t make any since… but got the plaque…


Still ? huh?  must be more than just that? oh well… and of course the obligatory flower..



So back to work… sure tired of this stuff but hanging in for a few more…



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