Calendar Post by Month

September 2013


Home through the Clouds

It was just another work day, although it included the trip home. On the way to location I captured these shots..


The shack in the woods…


The Neighbors…


The monkey farm… has been there a long time and seems to have grown some.  Lot of monkey here and they are of all kinds.  Story is, for people to work here they have to sign an oath of secrecy.  They can’t say anything about anything at work… “no comment”… It is listed as a part of University of Louisiana (Lafayette)… but who knows what they are trying to find out… ?Heritage?… couldn’t resist that one…

Actually the work was short lived as all we had to do today was a closing presentation and that was done by 10AM… so by 10:30 I was on  my way to town and the airport…

I was at the airport early and was lucky to get on standby for the early flight out… lucky in that when I got to OKC I got a message that the flight from Lafayette was delayed?  so getting on the 12:15 in stead of the 1:50 was a good thing… Once in the terminal at Dallas ….


volunteer at the USO lounge , seemed to be enjoying himself…

I was double lucky that when I got to Dallas I was again standby for the early flight and even got a first class seat on that standby… I had one on the later flight due to my Frequent Flyer status but to get one on standby… cool… seems I was just ahead of all the storms all the way… heard the Pilot say to the gate that we had 5 minutes to take off and get into the pattern as there was a storm near Dallas that would delay if we didn’t get on the way… similar thing on the flight to OKC we had to take a western route and go way up north of OKC to let a rain shower move away from the airport… it did present some cool pictures…



You don’t often get to see the clouds from the top… or in amongst them..



Farming patterns and colors…

I got in and picked up my rent car, hustled down the road and it was really crowded all the way through OKC… not sure why at 4pm but everyone was out on the road… anyway I whipped on around and got home pretty early for a change.  Like that … out for a little dinner then in to set, rest and maybe unpack… ?

Plenty to do tomorrow.  When I am gone for a few weeks , things seem to stack up…


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