Calendar Post by Month

September 2013


How often do you see this?

Today was a “stay at home day”.  At first I wondered if staying home was a good idea… I was awakened by thunder at about 6… then it cut loose and rained pretty hard for about and hour… we ended up with 1.4 inches for that rain…   When I went out at 7 it was 72 degrees, at 9 it was 58… almost went to put on long pants… but it leveled off and was pretty nice the rest of the day…

I had planned to go to Dallas for a family event but when it got down to it, I came up with several reasons to not make that trip.  First was to stay in case I needed to be here to sell the POS my son owns… that didn’t happen as the buyer couldn’t get a ride this far?  Not sure I understand that one but what ever it takes.  Next, I am sure my in-laws were not interested in taking our little dog on the 5 hour trip down (they were going and that was crowding it up a bit).  Next, I didn’t really want to go down in their car and me be on foot and beyond all that I had some projects I really need to get to working on… I figured that it would be a good day to get back on the airplane for the grandson… the can have been setting waiting on the work table for 6 months… I should be a lot more prompt than that.  Beyond all that I had hopes of watching My team win a game today on TV… well that didn’t work either.  they played like crap and made more mistakes than we can count… not enough fingers…

I did however get back on the airplane and got a few pieces cut and some parts started and may be able to get it done this week… if I can stick with the project.  I also ran into another project that was a lot more simple… My son had left a portable 12 volt air compressor on the table that was not working… He said the switch was out… I took it apart and found that it has a temperature save switch that was locked out so I ordered a replacement switch for that ($5) and maybe by end of next month it will be fixed…

The sun came out this afternoon and as I walked across the lawn to get the mail… I found the grass (weeds) a cloud of small butterflies…


They are hard to see as they are pretty small… but they were all over…

The other morning I spotted this outside?  not sure he was thirsty…


But he had a good perch… till the sun came up and it got hot up there… didn’t take long for him to flip to the ground and go hide…

Later in the evening I captured these pictures of the remnants of the front that went through…



The pictures don’t do it full justice but was pretty colorful this evening…

And that was the extent of my day that started out poorly but ended pretty nice…


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