Calendar Post by Month

October 2013


Once again to Louisiana

Well, I am again down here in the swamps… came down yesterday… no big thrill other than had hoped to catch a early standby out of OKC but not happening… my airline had to cancel on flight out due to a “bird hit” … guess one of the big planes caught a bird in the engine so it was parked out on the edge and the hundred or so passengers that were to have gone out earlier in the day were getting out in small groups on “standby” for all the remaining flights… just glad I wasn’t one of them…

Today was just another work day.  Although it involved a meeting in one place and a move about 90 miles down the road… figure that one out…

Last night when I got in I got a pictures of some of the amazing things you see … I had seen it many times before but this time it struck me, how often do you see a dozen gumball machines all together… and a change machine in the middle…?

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Even though they may look a little similar each is very different types of gumballs or jawbreakers…

Today the move from one office to another was a 2 hour drive and part of it is through the swamps…


It is hard to tell but a large portion of this road is actually a series of bridges going over the swamps down here…

and the road is ok but somewhat ruff due to the constant humps in the road… just glad we don’t see one of these in the road…


yep, snapping turtle and it must of weighed 50 lbs. or more… big enough to take you arm clean off… It sets on one of the office down here and the owner said they got it maybe 3 or 4 months ago..

Just shows that there are a lot of big things down in them swamps and most of them you don’t really want to meet up with unprepared…

After the long day we had dinner at a little place called the “French Loaf” … it has been open on the same corner since way before 1994 (first time I was taken there to eat lunch)… and they serve up some good food and plenty of quantity…

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Sorry, couldn’t wait to get my picture till I tasted it… shrimp Po-boy… the smallest one they put out… called a 1/4… and it was loaded with fresh shrimp and not the little bitty popcorn ones either…

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so we eat good… and now… I am in need of sleep… big meals seem to do that to me…

I have two more days here and then back up that same swamp road and 2 more days on that end… such fun we have …



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