Calendar Post by Month

October 2013


My new slogan…

The day was just like most other days out, at work.  horrible breakfast at the hotel… then deal with things that I don’t really care about… mostly paperwork and tracking and processes and procedures and such… but we did get out for some quality down south eats… although I think I may be having beef withdrawal?  not sure yet so won’t go splurge on a burger just yet… but we went out to ABear’s for lunch..  I didn’t find a picture of the place and should of taken one… but that’s ok… it is just and old house converted to a restaurant… and like the ads state… Family home cooking and they make you feel welcome… the wait staff are also some of the cooks… all of them are close to my age or older… and they don’t waste time with the order and minor stuff… The special today…


I probably should of stuck with the gumbo but went for the special and swapped out the sweet peas for red beans…


It was pretty good… and then I topped that off with the Lemon Meringue Pie… sorry , ate it up before I remembered to grab the camera… it was just too good to wait for a picture…

During the day we had to get out and walk the facility a little… I had seen it before and it looked a lot the same… maybe a little cleaner but I did capture this guy resting…


or gal maybe???? a Pink Dragonfly… probably was a lady…?

On the way back to work I captured this sign… I knew about Fast Eddie… had heard all about several Fast Eddies but this one?


And he even has a drop box for props… ?

I did a little research to find something new as we had hit most of the listed restaurants in Houma in previous trips and I found one that had a really high rating??? a place called Bayou Delight

.Now this place has a really high rating on most of the searches so we figured to try it… it was just about 7 miles out of town for us so no big problem… we got there and the place was nearly empty…? not a good sign of quality but hey it is late?  We get in and they are really friendly as they were at Abears so we ordered up the Shrimp platter… well actually I browsed the menu and if you don’t like “fried” food or gumbo you may be out of luck here but the meal was good, just that I have had shrimp for most of my meals the past 2 days and I am not sure but think it is messing with my insides a little… I have had way more gastro-intestinal disturbances , if you get the drift… anyway we had another good meal…


of course you start with the salad…


then the main course of …. fried shrimp and boudin balls and a stuffed baked…

while there I spotted my new slogan…


I also made a trip to the “men’s room” and it was appropriately paneled with …

2013-10-08 19.01.02

Sportsman’s panel… it wasn’t wall paper or stick on it actually was in the paneling… I had never seen stuff like this… so , of course I got a picture…


With that we ended the day, came back to the motel and I am on my way to slumber…



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