Calendar Post by Month

November 2013


Busy, Busy, Busy

It has been that way for the past week or more… trying to get some things done at home, knowing I would spend a week in Dallas to see Grandson #2 (Luke Hudson) arrive. 

Just like everyone I had a lot of things to work out, the first of which was to finish up the airplane for grandson #1… I had not put the time into it that I had planned earlier so I had to focus on it last week..

The finished product came out ok but not as good as I wanted so I may have to do another one this winter out of his “second choice” cans (they are black)… This is the one I got done..


Turned out ok but not as good as I felt it could be… and I got it hung in his room… along with another old one I had made about the time he was born or shortly after… it is made of special cans from Algeria and actually made it over there during my work rotations..


The two together..


Now I was hanging these while he was at school and here we are walking him off to school Monday Morning..


he and MawMaw had a lot to talk about  as we waited on his little brother….

after getting him to school I got those planes up while his Mom was on way to hospital… for the delivery of ….


Luke Hudson Goodpasture… from what I could see he was going to sleep through all the visits… but mom said once they turned off the lights he woke up?


And here is their picture of him and his big bro…


Think maybe big Bro is happy?  I said he would be till Luke wanted to play with all his stuff… and be in the way when he was talking to girls… ha!


of course MawMaw got here hold in… a lot as she stayed at the hospital the first night to help out… no sleep for her last night…

Today, I got the pleasure of walking GS#1 to school by myself… great way to start the day with a walk and talk… although my hearing problem and his voice limit the amount of stuff I fully understand it was still a great walk… than rush back to the house, get the car and go pick up MawMaw so she can get home and sleep a few hours… in case she has to take Hospital watch again tonight… me… probably have to do more GS#1 things… running here and there and homework and , wait, I not into homework… maybe I will do some other stuff… for sure deliveries and such…

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