Calendar Post by Month

December 2013


You want me to do what?

My current job is focused on “Customer Service Quality”… you know doing what you say your going to do and being consistent about that… today I ran into something , inconsistent, in my travels…

I left home about 11, made a stop to check on pricing a new Jeep… ouch… things sure are expensive but the first place is making a good offer to start with so maybe?he

After that I went to Camping World to price the new conversions for a new jeep, should I get that far.  The guy at the counter that does the pricing was busy with another customer and it was taking forever with on the phone, on the computer, on the phone, waiting, to the back to the front… etc.… after 40 minutes I gave up and left… I will have to call and see if I can get better service?

I then got the the airport, got checked in on time and waiting my turn to fly… boy the airport is busy? middle of the week and still packed?  huh?  sure glad I am giving all this up.  which brings me to my topic… In most bigger companies, like airlines, they have set procedures and rules and process training, especially for steward/stewardess persons that deal with the public… recently I have been seeing some lag in the training, or some uptake that is not consistent across the groups?  Case in point today:  I was in my seat, got my bottle of water out and put it in the seat back pocket along with my headphones… like always… I am pretty consistent with this method as I like having a bottle of water with me… seems as I got older I dehydrate a lot when flying so I drink a lot while flying… have to find the first rest area off the plane too… ha!… but back to my issues… this time, I was dozing of before we took off and the stewardess poked me and asked that I pull my bottle of water out of the seat pocket and hold it while we took off…. That my friends is a first for that request… in thinking that one over I think it may be something she made up on her own because holding the bottle of water for takeoff is a bit more dangerous to me, the people around me and ?  others… than leaving it in the seat back pocket?  Think about it, if something were to happen everyone would get wet, or I would drop the bottle to grab something more secure, or ???   (now that is my opinion, as I don’t know for sure what the training she went through was about),  Having flown on thousands of flights I have never heard that request before?    Beyond that, in the most recent flights on the very same airline last month, they said we could keep our “portable devices” out and use them as long as they were in airplane mode (according to the new transportation rules) … on this one flight… back to the old rules put them all on off and away and don’t get them out until we are back on the ground?  I, somehow, do not see this as being consistent information and sure not the same statement to the public?  but oh well, as long as we are safe, right?

Now that I have gotten that rant off my brain, I feel so much better…

on my way to the airport I caught a tag on this car and of course the picture was too far off when I got to it… so I wrote over it…



The tag on that car said HAPPYRN….   for the RN in my family… hope she is happy happy happy…



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