Calendar Post by Month

December 2013


Well that sucked

Yep it was not a good week.  Well it was ok, as the Mens BB team did it’s job and won easily but it sucked big time to get beat in FB when we were supposed to be the better team and were supposed to win handily… but oh well, like I have stated before, shit happens… and unlike the other teams fans I don’t live and die by what the team does…

We made it to the FB game and now we can at least say we have been to the coldest game played… game time it was 17 whole degrees.  Beyond those comments the only thing I can say was the officiating was horrible with more obvious ‘’”no-calls” than I have seen in a long time and some that were called were just enough to break any momentum we may have had so that sucked as well… then to top that off I go to the wrestling match today and damn if we didn’t loose it with an identical score to the lose last weekend… although this time it was kind of expected as we just didn’t match up will against Minnesota… so I guess I will try to stay warm this week, do a little ham radio, a few project things and who knows what else… tomorrow we get the internet and phone changed to the cable company?  sure hope it works out like they say, as it will be 10x faster internet and maybe cleaner phone link?  All those numbers remains to be proven but it will be a bit cheaper so that is what I am shooting for… cheaper… always need cheaper since I am preparing to reduce my income a chunk to retirement income..  Also hope to get back into being better at keeping this thing current…


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