Calendar Post by Month

December 2013


Windy but nice and warm today

Again I have been remiss in posting what goes here… That’s ok cause I have been busy… A little more than a week ago I got the garage floor coated… no I didn’t do it, I have figured out that something’s you are better off hiring others to do.  If they screw up I can complain to them but if I screw up??? It came out pretty good


Nice when the garage is not full of stuff… and the floor can be cleaned with a little water and won’t stain… although that lead to the fact that something was still leaking with my radiator… remember I had gotten it flushed…   I noticed some small areas of water (the nasty read stuff that was still in the system)… anyway Monday morning I made a couple of stops and noticed it was dripping worse and when I got home… POW… it was spraying… at first I figured it was the radiator… since it was so nasty and we had it boiled out a little over a year ago… I called the mechanic shop to see about swapping the radiator… they sure get it in… I rushed it to them after putting in a lot of water, and then when it wasn’t spewing crazy we found out it was just a hole in the lower hose… but I was still a bit worried so had them replace the hose (a job I would normally do) but also had them pressure test the whole thing… vacuum and pressure to make sure there were no other weak spots… the vacuum would not hold till they replaced several of the hose clamps… the old clamps were just not holding so I had leaks in more than one spot for sure… then put 15psi on it and held that for 15 minutes and I was then feeling better that we had finally gotten it to a “holding” position… all that was done before lunch time… and I was out of there by 11:50 for a cost of $69… not bad when you consider we had to refill with antifreeze and at $11 per gallon and about 1.5 gallons for 50/50 mix it was pretty well worth it this time…

Yesterday I worked a lot of the day on my new radio… yep, got a new on… I had sold an old Icom 706 and was going to buy a new Yaesu 400DR this month they were on sale so I got one… it was less than I had sold the other radio for…

I am still learning and playing with it but sure is nice with the color touch screen to make changes and setups… although would like to have software to program it with and that is not yet available.

I also had to get “fringe-printed” yesterday!… No not a criminal but the new requirement in the State of Texas for my Professional Engineers License requires a background check and finger prints… another experience that I would not care to redo… I have been printed numerous times… and getting a bit tired of the game… they can go pull up my old prints just about everywhere… did it for my first government job, did it recently for both my TWIC (required to get access to chemical plants and go offshore as oil worker… although no one checked last time out)  and Known Traveler (to bypass the check-lines at airports and passport controls- still have to show passport but to the Kiosk at the airport and then I am on through and same after I get my bags… really nice on return from international flights)…  ID’s .  Anyway I got another set done and all the paperwork done to be ready to renew my license this next year…

I also took the wife’s dog to get groomed… well that was a joke… she got cut but the lady was feeling a bit creative and this is what we got…


The dog is a Cock-a-Schitz…Cocker/ShitZu (sp) and she ended up with a Pom-Pom on her tail… she is not a poodle or anything close but this is funny…



This afternoon it was so nice out, other than the strong wind, that I worked outside all afternoon… had to repair a light on the back porch… as yesterday morning I went out and it was laying on the ground?  pulled off the wires but didn’t break?  I got a replacement part for the inside as the other was a punched one with out screws to re-do the wires…


Top left is the burnt part, next down is the new replacement and the bottom of the lamp… took several tries to get the spacing right on the nuts and all but did get it all back together with out getting shocked or breaking anything…


Then, since it was so warm I moved some dirt… just can’t take the warm weather with out doing some garden stuff…although I understand that it is to get damn cold again tomorrow night…

I moved the dirt to hear


Bur first I had to pull the old tomatoes vines and clean it out a bit…

moved the dirt from here


Still some m ore to dig out but we have some left over carrots that I should pull first?  maybe..

and this is what it came out to be…


I will add a bunch more dirt to this and smooth it all out before spring… it had somewhat of a hole in it that needed to be filled out. 

After all that shovel and wheel-barrow work, I had to take a set on the back deck… I have been missing that since it got cold but was nice for a little while today..


Caught this plane in the distant… well didn’t look so distant here but …


Backed the zoom out some…


Back it up a bunch… the plane above is barely visible here in the very middle of the picture… cool huh?


Caught this guy watching out for me or something ?


and it was windy… but the ducks don’t seem to mind… as the sun casts a weird glow on the water…

That was the day here… nice when it warms up…



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