Calendar Post by Month

January 2014


Well that didn’t go well

Yes, I know we all have those days that things just do not go well… Today…. was mine, although nothing horrible came of it, I just didn’t get things to go my way.

First up, had to get some laundry done before the long trip tomorrow… got the first load in… looked around and , ooops left some of the stuff out that needed to be in that load, oh well, just do more loads…

Next, I had a couple of bill notices come in that I had to make phone calls on.  the internet link would not work for these… first up AT&T…. I had gotten a bill last month but since I had the phone and internet cut off (got tired of complaining to them that the line had noise and the internet was slow or kept dropping me – which is another story)… so I called to make sure what the bill would be and if there was a credit… made that call on Dec 18th… talked to two different people on that and they said… yep, you have a credit coming so just ignore that bill until you get the final and it will show the credit.  At the time I thought this might be wrong but took their word for it.  I got two more emails wanting to know when my payment was coming in so I called AT&T again on Dec 31… talked to two different people , again, and they said the same thing… “yes you have a credit so ignore that bill until you get the final in January”… ok sounds good for me.  Yesterday I got a letter saying I still owed $137+ and that if I didn’t pay it,they would turn it over to a collection agent…WHAT?…  So I called again today and went through the whole thing again… this time the guy said, You still owe for last months Direct TV portion of the bill but you would have a credit on the internet but they can’t clear that till I pay up the bill then they will issue my credit… typical… they  get your money to use while you wait to get it back?  sucks on the payee end… so in this case I paid the outstanding and didn’t win that one at all…

Next up, call the dental insurance place.  I had pushed up my appointment to Dec 31 so I could get it done before I left on a work trip and hoped it would be covered on the old insurance before the new kicked in which didn’t cover dental at all… well in the very very very find print, I guess it said that they only pay for 2 dental visits per year and this one made three in one year so “OUT OF LUCK CHARLIE”.  I will have to pay the dentist for that one no matter what… due to limits I didn’t know we had…

My daughter is going up and flying… I figured she would be flying into the town close… but when I got a copy of her arrangements it is for Denver… ?  I went to check and sure enough I could have gotten her free tickets this time, had we just checked it out, to the ColoSpgs airport… would have cost me the same amount of mile no matter but for a ticket the dollar cost was double for her… but she got the cheap ticket, like my company gets and there is  not changing, refund or later use… another one of those GOTCHA!… deals…

I then took off to town to deposit a check and go to lunch… got to the bank, with check in hand… huh?  didn’t have my glasses.  Had the case but no glasses, so I kind of squinted and made a stab at signing the check and got it deposited but made a short trip back home to get my glasses… left them on the counter when I was trying to argue with one of the above?

I made it through lunch with out any major incident and got home again ready to tackle some of the other things I needed before we leave… ok, got the additional load of laundry done, then tonight found out a didn’t get the blacks done?  I swear I did some darks but sure enough didn’t get that last set out?  but I did do all the towels so I guess that might have evened out? 

Started getting things packed and didn’t have any major problem other than having to repack the bag several times cause I forgot what I had put in early in the day… then tonight the wife had to do it all over to ensure we got it all in there?  OK, my mistake I guess… We will sure find out what we didn’t get in when we get there and figure out we may need some of it?  but  who cares…

I think we have things about ready… but in the morning I am sure it will be mass confusion again… oh well…

Just hope I don’t have to stop too many times… ya know..


And I am sure I will be visiting Mooseville…


Anyone there you need to say HI to?


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