Calendar Post by Month

January 2014


Intuition or Premonitions?

I have both, I think… you remember yesterday talking about packing and probably missing something when we get there:

Started getting things packed and didn’t have any major problem other than having to repack the bag several times cause I forgot what I had put in early in the day… then tonight the wife had to do it all over to ensure we got it all in there?  OK, my mistake I guess… We will sure find out what we didn’t get in when we get there and figure out we may need some of it?  but  who cares…

Well it happened… We packed and pressed and got all our “hang-up” clothes ready last night.  had the bag and was getting ready to load it and then something else came up and …. guess what?  We forgot the hang-up clothes… a damn big bag hanging in the bathroom that we both had to walk by at least 3 times this morning and still it hangs in our closet at home… So we had to go out shopping tonight… pick up some things to fill in for the missing… fortunate I had packed some pants that will work out but needed shirt and sweater to be “snappy casual” dress… we found most of what we needed and hope it works out… actually some of it will look nicer than what we intended to bring since most of what we do have is old , out of date, or ugly… seems we have a fashion problem when we get older… good looks or “in-style” go out the window in favor of “it feels good” or comfort…

We got around ok this morning, got out of town pretty early and made real good progress , actually got here before dark… a real feat to accomplish this time of year.  We were pretty lucky and didn’t have to make a lot of stops for much so that was good.  Although having traveled this route just a week ago it was a bit …. boring… well, anyway traveling through western Kansas and Easter Colorado is not the “scenic” route anyway… There are some things that we should probably stop to see when we have the time but we felt we needed to get moving on today and if we had stopped to look around we would have been in the dark for some of the trip and I don’t like too much driving in the dark anymore… too many things happen then, like varmints on the road and blinding lights in the eyes and stuff like that… just much safer to be a daylight driver when you can…

Tomorrow is another day and more things to work around… so off to rest and bed.



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