Calendar Post by Month

January 2014


We have been busy.

The last I wrote was just after we had gotten back into Colorado.  It has been a whirlwind couple of weeks… we have been in Colorado twice in the past 3 weeks and several other things along the way…

Here are some pictures from our arrival that I didn’t get in the last post…



The first thing we did was get gas in the Springs and then to Oriellys to get new wiper blades… that was a really good DAMN thing to do… as I will explain later..

In these pictures the sky was all lite up and the pictures didn’t show all that I saw but still a bit dramatic… in that part of the world it usually is a sign that things are about to change?  Well they did but slowly… cause on Sunday it was warm with snow showers around and windy… then Monday it was cooler and DAMN windy… with all that we made it through the time there and Tuesday early we hopped in the car to leave… it was a bit cloudy , like the picture above but soon was to change… again we got gas and started east… as we got east of the springs we found there was a little bit of snow coming down but nothing big… then by the time we got 10 miles east it was snowing pretty good but we also had that strong north wind… and it kept getting thicker and worse and we were meeting snow-plows and sand trucks everywhere…


And it was looking like this… stayed that way and we didn’t make any real time until we were almost to Burlington… our comment to each other was …

JUST LIKE OLD TIMES!… we had seen this more times that we needed in the Fowler area when we lived out there years ago… actually had to drive in a lot worse situations and had a few colder blizzards roll through back then… at least that is what we think… you know since the Global Warming things it can’t be as cold and bad as it was in the 70’s… ?

We got to about Hays and stopped for lunch (didn’t face up to Taco Johns in Colby again… couldn’t stand another free meal or the long wait to get it)… The wind was blowing hard enough here that I had to hang on to things to stand up… At the Loves /Subway we stopped at I got this shot…


They had a Big People and a Little People door into the play land…  I would assume that is fun for the kids…?

We got home just in time to unload and I grabbed my ticket and went to the girls BB game… they played well… a bit sloppy at points but won by big numbers… then home…

The next day – Wednesday was a work day for me but in the middle of all that I got to checking my credit card charges and posting them into my tracking software and found that someone, somewhere had picked up my card number and was charging a lot of stuff at Wal-Mart-online… had to call and claim a fraud alert and cancel that card.  Sure puts a bad feeling in you to find several big spends on your card that you didn’t get to enjoy… not sure where it happened but somewhere someone copied off my card numbers and felt they had a right to use it.  Glad I caught it when I did before it ran way up on charges…

I also called to see where my agreed stuff was for the new Jeep that the dealer was to send me… still not here and ???? oh they hadn’t sent it yet?  hum… that warm fuzzy I had about them is slipping away if they can’t get things done when they agree to and then tell stories about some other things?  They said then it would be in the mail that day… I called again today and it went out yesterday and ??? Monday is a holiday so not sure it will be delivered on time to get it put on Tuesday as planned… another issue to deal with next week I guess… in the future I need to be like we did with government contracts… withhold 10% until everything meets and passes the final inspection…

On my soapbox… what happened to quality of work, doing what you promise and when you promise it, I guess no one feels they have to anymore…?

Today was another shock day… I got the car scheduled for an oil change…  took it in and said I wanted to find out why the headlight on the driver side kept going out but came back on when you turned them off and on… seems it is a known problem with those type of headlights… I went through all our paperwork and found that is they had sent out a notice in a letter for extended warranty to 72000 miles but ours started just after that… oh well… will do some checking further and figure out how to handle it since the cost quoted to replace the two bulbs was $500… they have to remove the bumper, according to them?

That ended the day and we enjoyed some of our interests the rest of Friday… I went to the radio shop and Sherrie worked on knitting…



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