Calendar Post by Month

April 2014


My Mothers flowers and rare contacts

Well, got the day started right.  Got out and put in my 3plus mile walk with the damn big hill at the end.  My breakfast , after all that exercise was a bowl of oatmeal… being good today… mostly…

Got a few small things done this morning and looked at some of my other projects that need to be done, caught up some of the finances via some phone calls and the financial software updates.. for the week and headed in for lunch as usual.  Our big lunch , well I had a coupon for a Whataburger so we went there… Got to watch my costs now so using coupons is a big thing… used one on the way in to buy the wife’s favorite TP too…

After lunch got home and went back to doing some cleaning and fixing of things around, the wind was blowing great guns today and it seemed it came from all directions but maybe not?  sure was big out of the NW then West and tonight it seemed it was from the SW…

I got the mower out, aired up the tires and got the yard mowed this afternoon as well as run the weed eater on the edges that show… I also made a quick survey of the Iris that are in bloom now… they are a bit slow this year for some reason but I did see that I still have some of Mom’s Iris in the flower beds… She gave us some Iris bulbs way back when we lived in Duncan maybe 20 years ago… I have moved and separated and moved and saved and replanted them all over and now I still have some here… I didn’t get to keep any of the Rose of Sharon she gave us down there.  Last time I was by the Duncan place it looked a bit run-down and not sure much of the stuff we had is still alive there?    Anyway I still have some of the Iris…




They are rather large purple ones… We also have some whites that Sherrie got from a friend here and I had to move some and thought I might have killed out the purple but they are still alive and I will need to split and gather some to move to other locations while I thin out some of the whites this fall…

Tonight I was the chef and did a great job… reheated the rotisserie chicken we got at Wal-Mart yesterday and then made some mashed potatoes, gravy and cooked up the fresh asparagus we got at the farmers market Saturday… I think I will get some more of the asparagus Wednesday as it sure is good fresh… the purpose of the chicken was to have left over so Sherrie can fix some special chicken enchiladas dish she found… I guess I should of grilled one but it is cheap and east to get the Wal-Mart one and it will make 2 or 3 meals for us…

After dinner I made it out the the radio and was trying to catch a few of the missing states I needed and happened on a rare call… 3D2RH working on 17 meters… I hung around until I finally got the contact, believe they are on Rotuma Island in Fiji… last time that call was used was 1995 and now it is reissued for a new DXpedition… I may have to send for a card for that one? but just having made it will be great for me…

I also talked to my cousin this evening , he ahs been retired for 10 years and we both agreed that some people just don’t understand that when you retire, a lot of us just have too much to do and wonder how we missed all that stuff when we were working?

That was my day… interesting huh?…


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