Calendar Post by Month

May 2014


Rained out

I sure didn’t want to get out and around today… I did get up at normal time and had a breakfast bar and my juice for breakfast and since it was rainy and cloudy , I didn’t get a walk in… I had skipped yesterday cause it was a Holiday… thought I might get it in this morning but the weather was not conducive to that activity (for me) so I just didn’t… It took me about an hour to get my self built up to project work as well…

Once it did, I got out before 9 am and got on the project at hand…  Since I had found the material to make the screen/lattice fill for my block wall project I started on the lattice/screen piece… too much of the morning as I changed the plan on how it would fit together in the middle of the project… not a lot, just that I wanted the screen to fit pretty tight in the hole so I needed to get it and the lattice cut right to fit that hole and pretty much in place before I did anything else…


On the right is the cedar plate that will go on top of the blocks and the bottom of the lattice will attached to this… on the left is the lattice and the screen mounted on the back ready to be taken out and fitted under the landing… I got most of this done in the morning before lunch but it kept spitting a little rain off and on so I stayed in the shop area most of the time… I did get the screen/lattice out and mounted by tacking the screen up under the landing once it fit proper… or real close… but that was after lunch and it came a good shower then so I just quit for the day and gave it all up about 2:30pm.

I stopped for lunch at about 12:30 and went in town … got a chocolate shake at Braums and after that went on to pick up a new pair of reading glasses I had ordered.  I had a small frame set that works well with reading and watching TV … can see over them really nicely so I got them fixed with new lenses.  I also took a short drive out to locate the rain gutter people… they are supposed to  have my parts in this week?  to finish up the project.

Once back home I got the parts mounted under the landing with a lot of adjusting and staples on the lap of screen that ran up under the landing … didn’t get a final picture of that part, will have to try for that tomorrow, as about this time it was getting muddy and really wet so I just put stuff up till it drys out a bit. 

At that point I went out on the back deck (after I cleaned up my mess) and sat , listened to the gentle rain and watched the geese on the pond…


Before they got out there it was coming down pretty good…


They were all getting washed off…


Grabbed this of one of our day lilies blooming by the columbine…


The rest of my day was spent doing a little more Ham radio… had a nice 6 meter opening this afternoon and I logged a few more states there and a couple of missing ones on 12 meter… then it just floated away and got quiet… so the opening was pretty good but not very long… Didn’t find much going this evening, although I could see that others were making some contacts, I just didn’t hear anything.  I did figure that I could load my tower and use it as a vertical, if I can insulate my guy wires?  So I have added that to my list of things for when I let the tower down… lot of changes to make and hope that a few of them make some improvements… Always looking for a better antenna.



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