Just because it’s “bad” doesn’t mean it’s bad for you. Heck, if you avoided everything people said you should, you’d never leave the house. But there are actually several “vices” you can safely indulge in that will greatly improve your way of life and may even help your health. Mark Sisson describes five of them, right here…
via Daily Reckoning 5 Sensible Vices
Check the link for the entire list but ?
My top 2 are:
3. Wine and Beer: I have a beer or a glass of red wine with dinner, and if alcohol is something you enjoy and can consume moderately, go for it. Sure, these are “empty calories”, so you don’t want to go overboard, but the antioxidants are worth their weight in, well, liquid gold. Wine is a bit better for you than beer, but this is one relaxing “vice” you can sensibly enjoy.
4. Steak and Bacon: oh boy, saturated fat. I don’t recommend eating traditionally-raised and chemically-loaded red meat, but grass-fed, uncured cuts are loaded with valuable fat, pure protein, and vital nutrients. Just make smart choices when you go for the more decadent meats. (No factory farm hunks and sodium-laced strips.)