Calendar Post by Month

August 2014


A Bug loaded, WX changed.

Well they had been saying it would get hot and the chance of rain was 0 to 10%… guess what… we got rained on twice today… not a great amount but once about 4am and again at 5pm…  The 4AM storm had a lot of lightening in it… made a lot of nose with wind blowing.  I know it was a lot cause I heard a bit and guess the flashes of light woke me up?  being deaf has it’s fortunes and mis-fortunes… I think the lightening was too much for the dogs cause they were making a lot of noise about that time as well…

I got my walk in ok, as the storm was south of us by 7am… but it was nice and cool at that point, although real humid…


After my walk there was this storm to the east… and they had weather advisories for stuff over by Tulsa most of the morning…

My big projects this morning were to drag a big log out of my yard,one I h ad pulled from the pond dam, and put it up in the trees east of the houses… I had asked if it was ok and the guy said sure they had some downed trees up here anyway.  Once I got that done I pulled the mower into the shop to check out the blades as the one on the left side was cutting too low…I figured to swap that blade out as it must have gotten bent or something.   Once I got it up I saw the problem, as hard as I tried by laying the blades out before putting them on and ensuring they were right side up. the left one got flipped and I had not noticed it before… when I put it on?  I am not sure how I missed it other than I fumbled with the bolt a bit and may have dropped the blade in the process and picked it up incorrectly when I put it back up… I was focused on the center bolt and not the ends with the blade edge showing?… I don’t have a spot I can get fully under the mower, I have to jack it up and put stands under the sides and then crawl a bit to reach the blades… so I just didn’t keep track of putting them in cutting edge down… oh well… strange it was cutting anyway, just whacking the grass off with the turned down section so it was cutting too deep… ha!.

Once that was done I had a run to the bank and then on in for lunch…

We went to Arby’s today and boy they better get things moving a bit faster as tomorrow the High School starts and that is just a block up the street so they get a load at lunch… they were slow , slow today… on the way in I captured this bug…


Nice classic beetle that I think was painted pink but faded? although the top is still in ok shape..It was full of stuff so must be a student moving in… ?


Tonight the storms came through and I caught a few of the clouds…


It looked like the biggest part of this storm was west of us and moved on south… we got a little rain but only enough to get things wet, although after dinner it was real nice setting out… except for the occasional burst of wind from collapsing storms or something…


This flower and one like it in the front of the house were some I got from Wal-Mart on sale… they looked like they were nearly dead and I got them for $4 … a little water, a little care and they are doing fine… blooms like crazy and has been that way nearly since I got them home a month ago… I did the same thing last year… kind of waited around and when they were closing out the flowers and piling them on a cart to haul off or deeply reduced I grabbed a few and got them home and watered up… did pretty well..


Remember the cat that likes boxes… she thought she liked this one too.  It was up on the dressers at the left and she ended up spilling it out on the shop floor… I got it cleaned up and left it on the floor for now…



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