For those not h ere… you can watch the parade live tomorrow at or here: OSU Homecoming
They are also supposed to show some of the walk-around on video?
OK, today was actually Fall break… supposed to be so they could work all day on the House Decs instead of skipping classes… what ever…
We went early… I took Sherrie to work and then met her at the parking garage when she got off and we started from there about 5:20pm… get in and get out as the crowds seem to build until you can’t move… then a mass will move to Gallagher-Iba for the Hoops show at 9pm… The thing I found different this year… the food trucks were all in attendance and several down from OKC… so there was a substantial choice of food… which may have cut into the fund raising that some of the houses do along the way? But the smell was almost overwhelming… I Mean… Monster Fried Onion burgers, several Bar-B-Queue booths and well as a couple of trucks… Turkey legs, pork of about any variety… and me… I grabbed a Ribeye sandwich for $5 at a booth for donations… it was pretty good… Anyway it was a good night for the walk…
We started at Phi Gamma Delta/Chi Omega..
The Beta’s and Tri Delts had the annual music show…
Delta Tau Delta had the fund raising carnival…
Kappa Sigma and Kappa Alpha Theta..
Most of them are getting so big you can’t get it all in one picture anymore…
Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Gamma Phi Beta – of course they have Boon in there as he was a member…
Phi Kappa Tau and Alpha Delta PI… really, around the corner in front of the house…
Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Gamma Phi Beta…
Sigma Phi Epsilon and Kappa Delta…
Alpha Tau Omega and Phi Mu
These guys used to do the egg toss… but with Farm house across the street and up… I guess they got the spirit? or the Phi Mu’s shamed them into it?
Farmhouse and Zeta Tau Alpha… a very good rep of Joe…
I bet I am one of only a very few that knows what Joes was before it was Joes??? I can tell you the food was way better back then…
The AGR’ s did nothing this year… not at the new house or the old Farmhouse… ? not sure why other than all the trouble they got into last year may have them on probation or like in Animal House… Double Secret Probation!…
Sigma Nu and Phi Beta Phi…
A lot of the decs were already having problems with the moving parts… this one had most all of it work…
The crowd and it was still daylight and way early… and it runs from here for 5 blocks west and the streets to the south were about as full… glad we went early..
Lambda Chi Alpha and Kappa Kappa Gamma… Can barely see it but there is a guy holding up a part of it as they work to get some cables or ? fixed…
The island in Theta Pond… done real nice… and they had red lights all around the pond… or rather orange lights…
Sigma Chi and Alpha Chi Omega on the corner of Monroe…
Food trucks that way and some a block the other on Monroe as well as 50 booths or more selling stuff and food… smelled real good on this corner… hard to make a decision…
We walked around the campus some… expected to see something at the old Farmhouse but nothing up there… no we didn’t read the paper that listed all the stuff… duh!..
On the way home we saw this advertisement truck that will be in the parade tomorrow and they were polishing it up!…
Well that was this years Walk for us… but you can check the links above for some more professional stuff… and the live parade tomorrow morning starting at 9AM Central…