Popular Electronics 1954-1982 available as PDF downloads
Now this article by Matt was great news.. I had forgotten that I used to pick up several of these when I could… really like some of the article in them as help for my hobby…
giving credit to Matt for this below… it was his to find and lead me on to it.
26 November 2014 | by Matt W1MST |
I’ve discovered an archive of several older electronics and radio-related magazines available for download in PDF format.
In addition to Popular Electronics, they also have archives of the following titles available:
Electronics Illustrated (1958-1972)
Electronics World (1959-1972)
Radio Electronics (1948-1992)
Elementary Electronics (1964-1980 sporadic)
BYTE (1975-1984)
And many more….
Matt, W1MST, is the editor of Amateur Radio.com.