Calendar Post by Month

March 2015


Very little actual work…

That is what I am doing today.  Well, I did get some things done but since it rained yesterday and was really wet outside, the few things I had focused on just didn’t seem appealing… I didn’t want to get all wet, trimming out the dried tall grass clumps..


I have many of these to cut down for spring growth..

This morning before breakfast I went out to check for some friends on 40 meters… no one I knew on but made a contact or two… there was a lot of Europe in when I got there but within a few minutes they were gone. Got back in and had breakfast and looked out and found we were being invaded by the Blue-Jays…



There had to be as many as 2 dozen of them back and forth between trees to the north of our yard and some in the South of our yard… they were so thick and into it I noticed they were chasing a squirrel out from the north open area… guess they figured what ever he was digging for they wanted it.

So after that show I did a little paperwork… you know , getting the bank book and records all caught up… And did a little reading, catching up on some stuff that was “waiting” for me to read… mostly stuff like the last two QST’s, some Elks magazines and the local paper (online).   By then it was time to head in for lunch… While in I found this “one-legged” sidewalk…


I quickly side stepped to the other path because I am not ….. one-legged… yet.

I stopped and got a few more things at the store that I forgot yesterday and then home… I wasn’t going to do much but ended up working on a pole I intend to use for a spreader for a 160 meter loop… I hope to get it up this summer for use next fall… Anyway I had to split some ends to use hose clamps to tighten it up and put in an extension to get it over 20 ft up…



I hope it is strong enough to hold the corner of the loop?  it will be easy to take down and has a pulley at the top so I can raise and lower the loop.

Once that was done I put the tools up and came in just before Sherrie got home… we hade our normal discussion about “what you want for supper” “I don’t know”… stuff… since I cooked yesterday I didn’t figure it was a big deal that I didn’t fix supper today – being busy and all… We thought that maybe the “Hot Hawaiian from Dominos would be good , especially since we had a 50% off deal… but you had to order online… so we tried and tried and called them and told them we couldn’t get to the completion of the order on line… it just kept stopping before you got it ordered… so we backed out and ordered from Pizza Hut… I wrote an email to Dominos about the failed process of their web site… oh well.

Once dinner was done I noticed this…


Fantastic orange sky tonight… The things you like to see, great sunsets and great sunrises… although some people don’t get up early enough for that last part… and many are too busy to notice the first part…



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