Calendar Post by Month

May 2015


Steam Show gone Pink


Today was my day to volunteer at the gate for the Pawnee Steam show… I have done this several years now… enjoyable and interesting… I have done this at least 3 years of the last 4?  as I posted on it and put up videos…

2014-last years Friday post about Steam show…

2012- post on the steam show with videos too

The sounds from a steam show…

Well today I didn’t get around to see much, kept busy at the gate and got out a little early to make it home for the music at the Botanic Gardens… tonight was a pretty good show as well.. 70’s type music…

I also found out this show originally started at Waukomis, OK… I remember that when I was a teen it was done just west of Waukomis – only about 8 miles from my house, but seems it either out grew or lost the push of the locals there and ended up being moved , upsized, increased and … made a lot bigger with a real park to play in…

Now what I did see today was ….. PINK!… well and some other old sites as well…


Yep a pink John Deere driven by two blonds?


A Pink Dodge Dually… by a blond?  I don’t remember but was told by the other gate guard the inside was really fixed up as well???


On the right is a group of guys from Tulsa Tech… when the thrasher started up they were standing down wind… quickly realized that maybe moving up wind form the discharge would be a good idea??? Our future mechanics?

Just like dealing with anything on the farm… best to stand at the INPUT rather than the OUTPUT…and be upwind no matter what is coming out…

Oh and one other amazing fact… You can put up all the signs you want…. but people will not read them, even when they are big… see the speed and the direction? We had a lot of people going the other way, even after we reminded them they had to go right… the one that really got us was the one that did go right… of the signs then doubled back on the back side of those signs to go left… I am sure I have a picture somewhere that says..

You can’t fix Stupid!…  I am not sure this sign would help some to understand our directions so….

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This was our response to that…

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