Calendar Post by Month

May 2015


It is still to wet to ???

Yep, almost every morning it comes a little shower and keeps things to wet to do yard work and my grass is getting to the point that the mower may disappear if I get it out there… not really..

Since it was too wet to mow, and I didn’t feel like getting over worked, I took off this morning for a trip to town… Went by the old Spudnut shop that is now a Daylight donut shop and had me a sausage roll.  I meandered back home and got myself busy working on some stuff I had intended to do over 2 years ago.  I wanted to get my old logbook put into my software system.  So today I figured to get all the input done for when I lived in Lamar… 1978 to 1982… I have put in all the Perryton stuff about when I did a lot of 160 meter work, although I haven’t put in all the other contacts I had back then?  not sure I will tackle all that as it doesn’t apply for any credit but ?  I have gotten a few confirms and even some request for the 160 meter stuff I did back then so maybe I need to get the other s put in the electronic log and uploaded to eQSL… Amazing that I got confirms from some on those contacts… I figured that 90% of those guys had passed on or changed calls or ?  But in checking today I found 2 confirms there so I put the rest up for that group… I also did a little more work on the new beer can airplane I am working on… that thing is a bit more involved that the last ones I did… and takes about twice as many cans…


This is where I got to last night on it… I am finding that the plans do not truly match the plane… sizes and such as the plan designation for holes and placement are off.  In comparison of things that had measurements I find that the plans when printed out are about 10% smaller than what they should be so all the holes and sizes are off but that makes it even worse when you are fitting more parts together as they are not all off in the same directions… anyway last night I got the two engines pinned to the body parts… I found I really needed some masking tape and figured to get that at noon.  So I cut out and finished up another humming bird (see in the top of picture) out of waste pieces from the airplane… When noon got here I took off for town…

After lunch I headed for Walls bargain center to get some cheap masking tape, since I was down town… the old Walls is a bit different now… they got rid of all the MISC parts stuff and now are concentrated on carpet, flooring and a little paint stuff… all the tools, parts, sprinkler stuff, etc.… are gone?  oh well… they did have the masking tape at about 1/2 what Walmart has it for so I grabbed a roll of what I Needed for the plane project.  As I was leaving I noticed this…


Up around the corner on my why home on 9th street… so of course I thought why not check the jun-q-E stores out there… they call them antique stores but they have way more junk. 

In the one behind the super chicken… I found a huge amount of vinyl records… like tubs and tubes and they guy said this was about half of the estimated 200,000 that he had?  the other half is in his store in Stroud… hum… if I were collection old records and classic stuff at that I would h have to spend a lot of time piecing through these tubs…


all records under those baskets and the row to the right for maybe 75 ft.… some two deep… I even found some old 78’s


now those are old…

Not much here for me, but I did pick up some 50cent scrapers that I am always looking for… the small one about 1inch wide with wood handle.  I figured if I looked here I would look in the other two back up the street on this side… the next store turned out to be an artists/furniture,/antique type place… more like we see in Colorado… they take old doors, and windows and make art out of them… the old windows they put pictures in and the some they put onto cabinets to make them old or appear old ,etc.… interesting place as they did have some other old stuff around… but mostly the art and pictures stuff…


here they built the cabinet, antiques it up with a finish and then put old windows on it for front covers… interesting… and expensive…

I then went on to the next shop which is an antique /junk shop on the corner and when I got inside found out it ran back half a block… had a lot of stuff in there… some of it might be worth the price but most of it was just old stuff (to me)… He had a lot of old pins, glass stuff, old projectors, fishing stuff, just a mixture of old stuff… interesting to look at but no need in it.

That took me about 1 1/2 hours to browse all that stuff… so when I got home it was after 2pm and I needed to get back on the airplane… It is taking a lot longer as I have to change things to fix the missing measurements as I go… but with the tape and some glue I got a few more pieces done then found out I need to get a couple bigger cans… I don’t like pieces two together and the wings are slightly bigger than on 12 ounce can… oh well, I can get some 16ounce cans for the weekend?  might not move too fast on the can if I drink all that beer but who cares… I am retired…


This is where I am stuck till I get the bigger cans for the wing tops… although I guess I could get the nose parts cut out and put together and then start on the tail pieces… Heck, I might even have it done with out landing gear, by Sunday? … well maybe not… I got to have several more cans…

I have found that for the beer can planes… the work goes slow as I don’t drink as much beer as I used to…

So that was my day… waiting on the water to recede, the grass to grow and the beer to drain out so I can get some more cans… ha!



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