A few days ago I noticed that Lakeview between main and western was being??? reworked… They had the traffic narrowed to one lane each way (it is a 4 lane street). It had just been finished a few years ago… took forever to get it done and they came along and painted in lane markers and bicycle lanes… well now they were “cutting” out the markers. Yes “cutting” out as the markers they put down are some kind of paint/glue things that by pressure adhere to the street. I have no idea how much that “rework” costs but took several days for a crew of maybe 8 to 10 to cut up the old and put down the new… with out bicycle lanes?
They even cut up the concrete at both ends to get the old markers out… now I wonder :
1. If we needed or it was good to have the bicycle lanes why are they gone now?
2. How much did it cost the first and second time to put down the markers?
3. Why the hell do we need to keep redoing it when the old ones looked fine but now we have a bit wider lanes and no bicycle lane?
Inquiring minds wonder but really do not want to know as it would just make us a bit more upset with the waste of government.