Calendar Post by Month

September 2016


Grandson # 3

I am real late getting things caught here… been a lot of issues that kept me from thinking about updates to my posts. 

Back a week ago we all made a trip to Florence to visit my sister and take in the Pioneer Days parade… It was a fun day, a bit short but had lots of things to see..and a trip to our favorite park in Canon and a Green Chili burger(of course).

While at the park GS#3 showed he really likes it too. He sure likes the park grass at our favorite park in Canon City…


He also has a great time having people chase him around the trees?  he started that in the summer at the music in the park Tuesday night (other park) but loves circling the trees..


Although as you can tell he never does anything with out a toy car in each hand…?


The parade was , for a small town, well attended and lasted about an hour… although they were filming it for a movie and they wanted most of them to re-run the parade so they could , I guess, film it in different angles?  not sure what the deal there was but they said they would do the parade then re-do it for more filming… ?

We got the fly-over but I was not really ready for it…hadn’t read the paper…ha! 


Also had some Bronco alumni in the parade in the Corvette clubs cars… sorry I didn’t recognize any of them and they were in the park later signing autographs…

somehow they all look so much different when they don’t have on numbered jersey’s and helmets?


There were several motorcycle groups and some old ones too.



And Grandma doing the splits? I don’t know too many of that age that can still do that?  or march in a 6 block parade for that matter?


But of course the Shriners were there… the Al Kaly Shrine , as I remember them, were always up for a parade and had a very big following… they again had numerous parade groups here, from the mini vets to tin lizzies, to motorcycle escorts… and old cars..


All that said , along with the clowns and I think I may have counted near a dozen, the sign on the small truck is why they do this… just sorry I have not been active enough during my middle years… did a lot back in the mid 80’s but work and moves reduced participation.




Lots of really nice and well maintained old cars in the parade too… I like the old cars…


Although I am not sure how I feel about this?  it is distinctive.

I strained and looked but couldn’t tell if this was Andy but pretty sure it was not Barney either… old folks know what I mean there… Would be so cool to have a Barney hanging out the other side yelling Andy- Look!

Even had a old Tractor group in the parade… something about the Free-wheelers..


After the first run of the parade we headed off to the park to see the activities there and didn’t take long to figure out it was way too crowded for me…


And I didn’t need any of the things they were selling so we moved along pretty fast…

That was how it was a week ago… with multiple things to get done before and after…



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