A long time ago, well not all that long ago, I was trained to be…. well an Asshole. I worked in the oil business (service) and first thing up is not to tell the customer everything. But then I changed jobs to be an Environmental Specialist but all they really wanted was an auditor for HSE and in that line of work… you are hated by Management as you are a non-productive cost (You don’t catch jobs and make money but yet we cost them plenty). Then you are hated by the workers as you are always in their way and telling them how to do their jobs in a safer , cleaner way. In the oil field? yea right… No one likes being told they are not doing their job right. Especially those that have been doing it for a long time. That same old statement came out a lot. “ It was good enough 20 years ago so it is good enough today”. Then I graduated to a Service Quality auditor and we were into all parts of the work, not just the HSE… so we grew our Hated levels on both sides (Management and workers). Now we could even tell “middle” management they weren’t doing the job right! So I have said I was trained and be an Asshole and got really good at it. Just needed to have had this but on our business cards..
It all came from the job I had to do… Now I had several positions where I was a really nice guy but due to a few of my jobs I was trained and had that ability to be a real – Ahole…