Calendar Post by Month

December 2016


Why the Hell do we still put up with this?

Yep, here it is closing in on the “shortest” day of the year and due to daylight savings time it gets dark so damn early there is nothing to save?  Yep another rail about this idols guide to saving daylight…. Some one some where explain it to me again how this is saving something? Anything? I think back to my youth, and boy that is a long time ago, it was to save energy or something but I just can’t see how it saved anything as you replace one side of the day with dark for the other?  When we are several hundred miles north and west of Oklahoma that damn day gets dark at about 4:30pm… Even the dogs are confused as to when they get fed and when they go to bed?  How are people supposed to work this out?  It is much better now that I am retired but still one of the most stupid things we have put up with for decades.  The sun doesn’t know it is saving anything… it just rises and goes down when it is supposed to. 




On  another small note, I decided to do a bit of Radio today… been a month since I could.  I updated some software and fired things up at about 3:30 in the afternoon and golly there were signals there… looked closer and the radio was on 80 meters.  Huh.  Middle of the afternoon and on 80 meters there normally is nothing but static.  I even worked several station during the afternoon before the sun actually went down at about 5pm… was hearing several from Europe on 80 but couldn’t work any of them. I think I should have spent a little time a month ago and did some repair on my antenna… had one standoff break off and now my ladder line is hanging close to the support pole and that may be hindering my signal a bit, although it tunes up fine…



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