Well it is a bit late now as the multitude of those that saw the eclipse and photo graphed it and even made trips to far off places to see the “totality” … I didn’t leave home as we had a 89.1% total here which is pretty close for me..
So, what did I see? well I had to fidget with the “eclipse glasses” but did figure out how to use them to get a few shots with my camera…
Odd how the shadows were fuzzy and curved? … just odd looking stuff.
This was pretty close to the maximum for us… as it starts to move over to the other side and then back out.
I kind of gave up as it was backing out. I had set in the law chair out front of the house for long enough… besides I needed a snack and drink by then…
As I set here trying to get these pictures in I am reminded that we live on the ridge and the thunderstorms come rolling through a lot… and the lightening sometimes is way too damn close…
when you see the flash as the crack in the air happens ouch that was close… fortunate that it was out just enough to not zap me, the computer or anything here… glad also we have underground utilities… no big poles and
pots to draw in the spark and share it with everyone…