Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


It Rains while the Sun shines

I started off this past week with a trip to OEM parts.  I had been looking for some things on the internet and this place came up on one of my searches as being in Colorado Springs?  So I had put it on my focus for Monday Morning to make a run down to find out what they had.  Well it is a collection of left over and saved electronic parts and supplies, all but a bit more packed, a bit more lost a bit more…. Junk… Now for some it would be an all day trip digging and searching for those just right project parts we might need.  They kind of know where things are when you ask for something you need as in directions to a corner or isle of the place but not much else… I am sure it would be a collection in line with Mike V’s ?  Anyway it looks like this


In the back of the store are rolls and rolls of coax, cables and other such stuff.


They do have a little organization, this is the row of capacitors… from pretty large to small… although didn’t really see any that would be modern SM types…

This place is also a museum of old Hallicrafter equipment… all along the upper shelf on both sides of the place are numerous old Hallicrafter pieces.


and some old test equipment mixed in.  They do have a small section of old tubes that I need to go with my list of needs for an old Philco Radio to get a good set of replacements.

I came across this unit and remembered someone using one way back … like in the 50’s or 60’s ? just do not remember where I saw that being used..


It is a place that you need to go when the sun is just right so you can “walk toward the light” if you want to get out or tie a string on to guide you back out…

The next day I made a trip up to rework some of my daughters drip sprinklers..  I had a box of extra parts so I just set out to get some added to dry spots and replace some that were malfunctioning… near her place I caught this…


Just patiently waiting to go some place I guess.  We stopped, I got the pictured and it never budged…

One of the things we find a lot of up here are people like to buy full sized wildlife figures and put them in their yards… but occasionally they also get ‘little green men’?


I am not sure I care for either of the options but really am not into “little green men” out in the front yard waving to the neighbors as they pass?

Next up on our weekly rounds was to make it to the local summer entertainment in the park.  The town of monument does this as well as numerous other places around.  the problem here is that it can and has been damn cold in the evening.  (For an old guy with too much blood thinner in him).  It wasn’t too bad this past week so we went. unlike the last one we made last year that had a rain shower headed in and clouded up and when that happens here at this elevation it can drip from mid 70’s (NICE) to mid 50’s (DAMN COLD) and a 15 or 20 mile wind off the ice in the storm … anyway this week was ok… cool but ok.  the band was listed a Rock type band but they played a lot of 80’s and 90’s stuff in the Rock genre… about 30 minutes in the older crowd – hey the group a little older than us were leaving … they were looking for 50’s and 60’s Rock I guess… the group was ok and the price is right..



you can tell it was on the cool side as a lot of the folks were in sweaters and had blankets… those that didn’t were also those leaving at the half way point…

We settled in for the rest of the week and I got an urge to make a run to Castle Rock (only about 20 miles up the road).  Actually I had sold an item that why not just take it up there and get lunch.  I know we drove off all the profits we might of gotten from the sale but I like to get out and around… They have a nice outlet mall, Sam’s club, and all the bigger strip mall stores up there and most are really close together.  Our big deal for late lunch was to hit Fiver Guys for burgers… pretty good stuff, a bit high but really good.  As we enjoyed our burgers we noticed the window ads next door. 


Both pushing that order small so you can hop over for ice cream… we didn’t – for lunch… made a trip out late evening for the ice cream as supper… ha! but not a the MOO place..


I have always told people that “It’s cool to be smart”… ha now it is out in front..

We live where … it can rain in bright sun shine… guess the cloud passed and it took a long time for it to come on down?


It was welcome anyway a we are way dry up  here and most places are in a serious burn ban… then it came again today.   But was damn cold today.  temps started out about 60 when I got out at 6:15 and by mid day it was 50…  Even with the sun shining this evening it is 55 outside right now… but tomorrow it will likely be back up to 80. 

Yesterday we grabbed the idea to head to Pueblo and have lunch at one of the higher rated Green Chili places and then make it over to the NSRA Rocky MTN gathering.  supposedly over 2000 cars were to be there at the Fair grounds…

We made it to Romero’s and the food was good… real good… more like we remember from our old days up here…


I had a stuffed Sopapillia and it was great… While Sherrie had the Rellano’s


Now the green chili was a bit thin… so next time I will get a side dish or cup of the green to go with the meal.  But the taste was right and it was more than enough to eat. 

After that we expected to walk it off but as we paid to get into a parking spot at the fair grounds I asked how much it was to get into the show… WOW! they upped the price a bunch and for us casual attendees it was over the top… $17 each, no one day or one afternoon or not even any big discount tickets.  Seems the last time we actually went in we only paid about $5 each and that was high back then but not over the budget but $17 is way over the top for the casual , “just want to look” crowd… oh well… old “tightwad” just packed it up for home but was ok too as we got back early enough for the boys from Lakewood to come down and the two younger ones had a great evening playing, and I fixed hotdogs on the grill for all and a late dinner…

It was a fun week… not all of them have so much to do all at once… comments were made that it seems like all the big events out here are the last week of June and first of July?… this weekend was the Pike Peak Hill climb, NSRA show in Pueblo, Donkey Derby Days at Cripple Creek, and various other things all over… We made the Derby days 2 years ago, took in the customer appreciation show in down town Springs the past two year before the Hill Climb so they were not as high  on the list as the car show but for that price I will attend several of the small area shows for free until I can find cheaper discount tickets for the big one… They had them but you had to plan way out and get them before Jun 1 and we didn’t think about it early enough. 

So that was the week here.  likely a bit slower this next week.. maybe?