Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


It’s a Parking area now!

Well, things change here , sometimes fast, sometimes slow and sometimes, not like we had planned but it does happen.  So going back and looking I have some pictures of some of the things that that I have seen here lately. Well not as lately as I had hoped… I seem to get involved and just do not get the updates in on time… early in the month I made a run up to Longmont for the spring swapfest..  On my way out to the interstate this is what I saw…




Within a few miles north the temps were up from mid 20’s to low 30’s and by the time I got to Denver it was in the 40’s… and that is only about 30 miles and 30 minutes?  We do live on the ridge and we get the odd weather at times..

When I walked in the fair barn I almost turned and went back out… hummm thought I was in the wrong place… looking for Ham Radio stuff and half the building was …


But they had opened it up to have half the barn filled with craft and ladies stuff… makes sense as the ham fests here are nothing like the big one in Claremore , which I missed this year… oh well..

Mostly I found a lot of old, and junk stuff that was for sale at high prices…


Stuff like this is usually junk, donate, or give away… Can you still get crystals for the old Heathkit?  With International Crystal shut down I am not sure but would guess there might be some but they would be worth more than the radio?

While there I did pick up a raspberry pi based DMR dual spot.  Actually works as a repeater with both time slots operating.  They guys around Ft Collilns are playing with these a lot and each has several.  One guy wanted to thin his out a bit (money for new projects I think). 


Of course they had some in more complete cases but I got this one.  You can check out some of the others here:


A few days later were on our way back from ?  anyway I wanted to see some of the area to the east of our HOA and came on this decoration in the front yard of a house there.  I had been by that please several times and had not see the tree-nest? 


Interesting way to decorate the top of a dead tree?

I hate the HOA we live in.  They are way too busy checking up on all the neighbors and complaining and actually turning you in for fines if you do not do all the right things.  We got a notice of violation a few months ago.  We had parked a vehicle on the bare area just off our concrete paving.  when the house was built they had scratched this are and from all indications it was to be a parking area as they never replanted grass, but they also did not properly gravel it or fix it up, just put a few large rocks on the corners of the border?  Anyway one of our wonder neighbors had filed a complaint that we are parking on the grass or forest floor improperly… I went out and counted about 10 sprigs of native grass, mostly right next to the concrete… oh well we moved the vehicle off the “dirt” to comply and not be fined…


That done, I got HOA – ACC approval to turn that area into a real parking area, with border do it looked nice and could be used.  The cost of the parking area fix figured out to be cheaper than getting grass to grow there anyway… Today the landscape contractor showed up and within 6 hours left the area looking like this..



I will assume that someone will complain that we did that but it was all legal, approved and put in to actually make it look better… In my opinion… Now we can park on it but can’t have anymore than 3 vehicle setting out , they must be tagged, and moved on occasion and we can’t park the small utility trailer or anything else there for more than 3 days!… STUPID HOA Rules… This HOA has been referred to as the Gestapo Mafia by several of my friends, that by choice do not live within this HOA… I had no idea when we moved in that it would be so difficult here to OWN your property… The fees are not bad but the Rules are several books and multiple decisions that make little sense to anyone other than them.  oh well, live and learn…

You can see that it was partially sunny this morning or about 2pm when they finished… right now it has snowed about 2 inches and cloudy and foggy… although it was warm so the snow has melted right in for the most part..


We are schedule for more snow and moisture (really needed) over the next 48 hours… sure hope so…