Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


Just had to do it…

Well here we are in Oklahoma and today the weather was just great.  Maybe a little bit windy or cloudy at times but most of it was really nice … low 70’s… my kind of temps.  I began the day reading the news, email and other things and then made a call to my brother and my college room mate, cousin, long time friend… they both were born on the same day all but a few years apart.  I have teased them both that they really were born the day after but none of our parents wanted to say they had a “FOOL” (Aprils fools)… so both say they were born on the last day of March not the first of April?  Anyhow I called them both made my wishes for their day… discussed a few family things, catch on activities , etc. then got in a rush to get into town and out of town.

We had planned and decided to take a special lunch up to Father in Law and invited others to come along.  Got a few but a bit limited which is good for me as it kept the cost down within my budget…   I ordered  BBQ ribs and pork tenderloin from our favorite here (Cherokee Strip BBQ) and took that up for lunch and a visit.  At least a couple of the GG Grandkids were there..


None of ours but these two and parents did show up for the short visit. 

On the way UP I grabbed a picture to prove that Northern OK must be the central fly way crossing point?


That was out one side and there were just as many out the other side… crossing contrails in the sky leading the storm front to come…

It is also Redbud and Dogwood blooming time here…


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They are all over in the wooded area out here… maybe that is why my sinus are draining so much? We visited some and then headed back fairly early and I got to play in my shop for a while… Anyway, as I sat here playing on the radio and was way full from ribs and fixings I was looking over at the three fishing poles in the corner of the shop-office?  Hummm wonder if they still work… Gosh they have some lures on them too.  I looked out the door , as it was open cause the temps were great… and gazing at the pond in our back yard here it occurred to me… well I better try one out just to say I did it while I was here… don’t get to fish the pond much  since we are mostly some where else during the better fishing times… (not too hot and not too cold)…

I grabbed one up, strolled down to the pond and after several “flings” (I am not a real good one at casting)… I did hook one reasonable sized fish… no lunker or trophy but still just enough to make the few attempts worth while.  the water is still a bit cold anyway but I got one..


I easily removed the hook and laid him back into the edge of the pond and poof he was gone… still you can’t beat that for a break in the days activities… I cast several more times, got a couple of weak nibbles but nothing to report on those and I felt accomplished so headed back to the shop to continue with some other activities I was working on when I felt the need for interruption..

Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 40’s and suppose it will get damn cold tonight or tomorrow night… oh well… it is Oklahoma.  Got a few more days here and a few more things to get done then back to the colder/snowy country as it is still way early spring up there and we do see temps in the 60’s but we also see snow and cold and will till about May… oh well.  multiple seasons in a week , why not…