Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


Build your own.

I haven’t written in a very long time, because I was lazy, tired, old, take your pick or maybe it was I just didn’t have much to say that was useful?  I still don’t have a lot to say that is useful but I need to get my mind back into focus.  I am hoping that with the ‘”pandemic” and forced lockup about over we start to see and do things that are a lot more interesting… on that note….

Today I had to make a trip out to get gas, pick up some parts, drop off some give-away and other things.  in my rotation I spotted this  in the Walmart parking lot.  I guess this could go under the “ things you see at Walmart”… not the people but it was in the parking lot there…


A flying wing? or maybe a flying car? not real sure at this point but a closer look and  –


It is a camper of some sort and there were two big dogs in there so no close-up.  but this picture proves it was in Walmart parking.

Then on my way out of the lot…


At least it wasn’t Rudolf . 

So that is about all that is going on here.  We are happily waiting on warmer weather.  It almost was spring this past week and almost summer as it got up to the mid 70’s but then poof that was gone and we got back to the 30’s and more snow then it was back to the 60’s for a few days here but they (those infamous weather people) say it will be cold and snowy next week.  When it got warmer I ordered my yearly fishing license, haven’t seen it yet but likely that was a push on the WX to give it another blast.  

On another note, I paid my taxes to one state and got a little back from the Fed (overpaid).  Not enough to break even though and now it is time for the next quarterly payment for next year.  What a crock.  Then our “elected official” in Washington want to raise taxes.  They say it is only on the rich and corporations.   So many people fall for that joke every time they bring it out.  Most have no clue that if you raise taxes on the ones making over say 400k you are hitting the folks that own small companies and hire people.  What are they going to do if their taxes go up?  RAISE PRICES, and CUT EMPLOYEES so in the end we smaller people will pay for it.  Oh and raise taxes on corporations, ha! they have enough loopholes that they won’t  pay more tax but what little they do pay , will “TRICKLE DOWN” to …. you guessed it we the smaller people.   If the idiots in Washington really wanted to fix things and raise taxes on those upper 10% or 1% people…. fix the tax law and take out the loopholes they use to not pay anything. (Wishful thinking).   The people that write all these laws are not the “Elected Officials” but the lobbyist and loophole users and the Elected Officials know where the money comes from so they use “bobble head” methods to make us all believe so they get their votes to stay on the gravy train. 

Enough rant for today.   I still don’t feel better but I spoke the truth. 

I guess I should of stuck around and asked the car guy how he built it so I have an alternative for the future.  It puts a whole new twist on “living out of your car”.