Calendar Post by Month

March 2025


Ol one horn and the crew…

I have not been real busy lately but busy enough for my taste.  I also need to get a bit better at taking pictures as the days go by… you can miss a lot of things if your not looking for pictures but so it goes these days…

Since I last updated we have been doing stuff… Saturday we did our normal run for Arlene’s Beans to get some spicy lunch… They make both a red sauce and green sauce and it is hard to say which is hotter some times, although the red is supposed to be I wouldn’t bet on which some days. 


They used to be over in Palmer Lake in a little spot but quickly out grew that and now they have a bigger place that is normally full so even being open 4 days a week they do a booming business.   We swap back and forth between a really over stuffed burrito that is two meals for us or the Rellano plate that we share (two meals on one plate)…


good food, good people, very friendly and remember you if you have been there before…

Sunday we made a trip out to check a garage sale that was to have some knitting or ? other stuff and then stopped off at Arlene’s… they are not open for food on Sunday but they have a Bazaar for some of the local peddlers to sell their wares… didn’t see much that interested me so didn’t stick in too long.  From there we couldn’t decide on a lunch so we opted to drive back over to Palmer Lake and at the old Arlene’s Beans we found Dex Dogs..? so we stopped in to check that out…They serve stuff other than dogs an we tried different things…Sherrie got the biscuits and gravy…


Tremendous amounts of sausage in that gravy but the biscuits were not as great?  different maybe?


I had the Italian beef sandwich.  Lot of beef and very flavorful and real tender with pickled jalapenos on the side… that got things moving… After the lunch we took a drive up through south Palmer Lake… found some streets we had never been on before that eventually emptied out into the newer editions of bigger, newer houses… down one road and around one corner this guy was standing..


Not worried about people staring at him either. 

The rest of the week was abnormal stuff as usual… worked on my taxes a bit till I got disgusted with the outcomes and did a lot of radio stuff, some reading and oh we had to make a run to Lakewood on Tuesday to do Grandson watch, pickup , delivery, etc.… Wednesday was out morning trip to Carl’s for late breakfast and visit with the lady from Oklahoma… Yesterday Son, Grandson #3 and Sherrie made a trip up for GS#3’s first ever ski trip…

They say he really liked it but I think Dad was was wore out pretty quick guiding him down the hill???

I stayed home and worked on Taxes again all morning… it was still very disgusting but I have it down now waiting on two more pieces of info to finalize it and then figure out how to pay what I owe… magic will happen in the next month and the lottery will pay???? NOT!

In the afternoon I helped a neighbor Amateur Radio friend to reprogram his radio with some new talk groups… hope it worked…ha! I also made a big pot of green chili and ran out of a few things so had to make a late trip to the store and on the way home…


This as actually in a pretty well populated addition just has an open area on both sides of the road near here… all they guys were out for a walk?…


Some were still jousting about but it is horn drop season and the guy on the left of that fake tussle is on the short end… he only had one horn left to face the guy with two…


If you look really close you can se he is left horned and not right horned… saw several others that were fully “de-horned” or single horned… think there may be 11 or 12 in this one group and several with rather large racks… It’s safe in the housing addition so they hang out here a lot and hide from the local mountain lion and hunters…

Tomorrow is wear green day… don’t forget or get pinched…